School Application Letter: The Formula and the Example

It’s everyone’s dream to get into one of their favorite school. It will only be your dream if you don’t work on it. You may have the talent and the experience. If you already have both talent and experience, you need a school application letter that can describe it well.

Steps of Making a Good School Application Letter

First, start with writing the proper address of the head admission. Second, make a good introductory paragraph about yourself and the reason of why do you interested with the program. Third, highlight your achievements and experiences related to the program you applied. You can make one of two paragraphs about it. Use formal language and make it sounds respectful and professional. Fourth, make a closing paragraph by thanking the recipient with your contact information as a note of anticipation to the feedback. Last, sign off and proofread your school application letter properly before sending it.

A Reference of a School Application Letter

This sample shows a soon to be graduated student who applies to an art institution.

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Hereby I am submitting my application for admittance into the Fine Arts Institute with great enthusiasm. Currently I am a senior at Van Gogh Academy and will be graduated this spring. I have researched on many programs in Washington and I am sure that your institution offers the best plan based on my personal interest and career goals.

I have been interested in fine arts since I was four when I used to scribbling on anything that I could found. Since then, my parents always give me drawing book and art supplies as my birthday present. I could say that at that moment I enjoyed drawing very much, and I could cry if there was someone who took my drawing books from me. In middle school I joined an art course and learnt a lot about painting with many kinds of materials: pastel, watercolor, oil, charcoal, gouache, acrylic, etc. I had my first exhibition with my friends around that time too. It was not the best exhibition, but it was a fun one.

In high school I had my second exhibition by the theme of La Blanc in Seattle building. It was the first exhibition where I was the one who directed the whole theme. By those experiences, I entered Van Gogh Academy successfully and had my other exhibitions. I am also working as a freelance artist and had many art projects with many brands as an illustrator. I have a vision that your institution will lead me to remarkable experiences and let me grow as a professional and well-known illustrator.

I enclose this application with letters of recommendation for you to be considered. I will be happily waiting for you to give some information related to my application anytime soon. You may inform me by phone at (222)-333-4444 or by email at Thank you for your time.   



James Watson


Fine Arts Institute Application Packet

Recommendation Letter from Jane Walter, Director of Blanco Arts        

Recommendation Letter from Mark Wade, Art Teacher, Van Gogh Academy


Those are the important thing about making a school application letter. May it gives you a clear view about it and use the sample as your reference. Good luck!


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