Voluntary Resignation Letter from Employer And Its Sample

When an employee decides to discontinue the working contract, that means s/he submits the voluntary resignation letter. However, the same thing applies for the employer. If a manager wants to terminate the contract, s/he has to go through the process just like the employee does. First thing first, s/he needs to submit the voluntary resignation letter from employer. What is the content of the employer resignation letter or is it different from the usual employee resignation letter? Here, you will read some information about it.

What is a Voluntary Resignation Letter from Employer?

As the literal name implies, it means the formal indicates the discontinuation of working contract that comes from the employer. It does not have much difference with the employee’s resignation letter. The only difference is someonewho sends it. Here, the one who is supposed to hire and fire an employee, which is called as an employer, is the one who hands in the voluntary resignation letter. The voluntary resignation letter from employer shows that the full decision is on the employer.

What to Write in an Employer Voluntary Resignation Letter?

The format and content of the voluntary resignation letter from employeris similar to the other resignation letter. It has to be formal and free from mispelling and grammar error. The content has to be precise and concise to show the professional side of the employer. The start of the letter is to address the one who is in authority and is followed by stating the intention and the resignation date. Add with a phone number or email you use for further discussion if desired and show the gratitude at the end of the letter.

Sample of a Voluntary Resignation Letter from Employer

Below is the example letter from a manager in H&C Shopping Center to terminate the contract. He addresses the superior and tells the last effective date in the letter.

Dear Mr. Roger,

I am writing this letter as my resignation notice to step down from my position as a manager in H&C Shopping Center. The last effective day of my working will be on Saturday, 26 September 2020. Thus, please accept this letteras my two weeks prior notice as the stated in the company’s policy. I am grateful to be a part of the H&C Shopping Center for several years.

I am sorry for the inconvenience I make because of my resignation. I would work hard for the last two weeks to help the company to go through a smooth transition. I would also be open for further discussion if you need some recommendations to fill in my position. I have been working for several years and I have been paying attention as to how the assistant managers are working so far. Please feel free to contact me at 123-123-123-456 or at my email jjosh_hnc@email.com.

It is such a hard decision to leave the working environment that I have been in for several years. I would miss the healthy atmosphere at work, the amazing colleagues, and the support from everyone. I want to thank you for the support and opportunity you have given to me all this time. I appreciate everything you have been doing for all of us I hope H&C Shopping Center will grow even larger in the future.



Josh Keeneth


Hopefully the voluntary resignation letter from employer above can give you some insight of how to write one.

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