Printable Thermometer Goal Chart

Printable Thermometer Goal Chart Download

Printable thermometer goal chart is always needed when someone wants to use that image of thermometer to set a goal of a certain purpose. Most of the time, you will see this kind of image in classroom or in organization meeting. What can you do with the chart and where you can get one? Well, everything will be found down below.

goal thermometer template

What to do with the Chart?

The function of the printable thermometer goal chart is to set a goal for sure. It is often used to show everyone involved about the progress of their certain programs going on. For those who are not too familiar with this type of chart, find out more about its function in the explanations down below. You will understand it better after reading them:

  1. For Fundraising

The main function of the printable thermometer goal chart is for fundraising. Usually, in this type of activity, a goal will always get set. The goal is certainly the amount of money they all want to raise for the program. The thermometer shows the progress of the money coming to the donation. The higher the indicators go, the closer it is to the goal for sure.

sample goal thermometer template

  1. For Setting Achievement

It is basically the same concept as the fundraising. The difference is that this function of the chart is for personal use. Instead of how much money invested to the charity, this achievement goal is most likely about one person only. Say for example, someone needs to save money to buy new shoes. They can set the thermometer chart to tell them how much more money they need to save.

Thermometer Goal Chart Editable Templates


  1. Thermometer Goal Chart in Excel

Besides of in the form of picture, the chart is also often found in Excel format. Using the thermometer template on Excel makes everything easier, particularly on the term of editing the amount of money and also counting the final amount at the end. The templates can be found right here.

Thermometer Goals Printable

  1. Simple and Blank Thermometer Goal Chart

If you do not need anything complicated with the chart, you can download the simple and black one here. It contains just the form of the thermometer and some lines written to it. The details and everything else can be added later on after they are being downloaded.

thermometer worksheet template for kids

  1. Thermometer Goal Chart with Percentage

Percentages are often needed on the chart. It has to be written over and over to show the progress. If you need the chart to have percentage, make sure that you download these templates here. It has the picture of that chart completed by percentage so that everyone can see how close they are to the goal.

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For those who need the printable thermometer goal chart right now, everything is now available for you up there. Choose which one you like the best and you can edit and adjust the chart according to your need and preference. As long as the template is editable, customizing it will be no difficulties at all. That is why those templates are so worth downloading.

Thermometer Template, Fundraising, Goal, Blank & Printable

printable thermometer goal chart

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Thermometer Template, Fundraising, Goal, Blank & Printable

Thermometer Template, Fundraising, Goal, Blank & Printable
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printable thermometer goal chart 922 KB 795
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