30 Day Diet Plan Template

Do you interested in trying a 30-day diet plan which is popular at the moment? This diet encourages all of its followers to avoid alcohol, sugars, dairy, grains, legumes, and additivities from their diet in 30 days. Furthermore, it advertised as a life-changing lifestyle. Below are things that you need to know about this particular diet.

What is the 30-day diet?

The 30-day diet is a month-long clean eating habit that promises various health and emotional benefits for its followers. The main focus of this diet is to cut out certain food groups that could affect your health and fitness negatively. Most people use this diet as a way to lose some weight, but some people also use this diet as a way to improve their overall health and fitness.

How to follow the 30-day diet plan?

If you are interested in trying this 30-day diet plan you just need to completely cut out foods that could harm your overall health and fitness for 30 days. After the basic 30 days, you could slowly reintroduce foods that you miss during the program while monitoring the effects that they give to your body. However, this diet has a strict rule where you are not allowed to cheat during the program.

The benefit of a 30-day diet plan

Many people said that when you could follow the diet perfectly for 30 days, you could get so many health benefits. Some of the benefits are fat loss, the energy level is increased, better quality sleep reduced cravings, and increased athletic performance. Furthermore, the founder of the diet said that this diet will change your thought about food as well as your taste.

Foods to eat during a 30-day diet plan

If you want to try this 30-day diet plan you should keep in mind that you are not allowed to have alcohol, grains, sugars, dairy, and etcetera. Therefore, below are some foods that are allowed to eat during the 30-day diet program. These foods mainly consist of minimally processed food:

  1. Meat and Poultry

During the program, you are allowed to have meat and poultry such as beef, pork, lamb, chicken, horse, turkey, duck, veal, and many more.

  1. Fish and seafood

For you guys who are seafood lovers, during this diet program, you are allowed to eat seafood and fish including shrimp, fish, scallops, lobster, crab, squid, calamari, anchovies and et cetera.

  1. Eggs

Eggs here are all of the kinds of eggs. You could also consume foods that are made of them such as homemade mayo.

  1. Fruits

For fruits, you could eat any kind of fruits whether it is fresh or dried. Even though the fresh one is highly recommended rather than the dried fruits.

  1. Vegetables

During this diet, you could eat all types of vegetables.

  1. Nuts and seeds

You could eat all types of nuts except for peanuts because they technically belong to the legume. However, you are also allowed to eat nuts butter, nuts milk, and nuts flour.

  1. Fats

Actually, during your program, you are allowed to eat some fats such as coconut oils, duck fat, ghee, clarified butter, and also some healthy plant oil. 

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