100 Day Plan Template

The Way A 100 Day Plan Template Helps You to Achieve Target

When you are setting a new target in your life, you should consider creating a 100 days plan. By setting a plan for the first 100 days, you know what to do to achieve your target. Just make the plans detail and clear so you can do them easily. You don’t need to get confused to create a 100 days plan because you can just download a 100-day plan template and follow the format.

The Importance of Creating 100 Days Plan  

It doesn’t matter who you are, it is important to create 100 days plan. The list below is the importance of creating 100 days plan whether for people who are running a business, company, or achieving their dreams and targets.

Guide You to Do Something

You may have set targets or dreams. The problem is that sometimes you don’t know what to do next after setting the target. This is the reason why you have to create a 100 days plan. You can think about what you should do to achieve the target.

It doesn’t matter if it is a small thing as long as you start to do it. The plan is like your guidance so you can achieve your target at least 100 days after setting the target.

Work Systematically

After understanding what you have to do to achieve your target, 100 days plan is also useful to make you do everything systematically. The plan makes you understand about priority in which you know what you have to do first and later. You can also think whether particular activities are important to do or not.

Monitor the Achievement

A 100-day plan template is designed along with specific detail such as reviews, current status, and feedback. This detail allows you to monitor your achievement so far. You can review the most effective and ineffective plans. Later, you can decide the plans you should keep and you have to remove from the template.

The Detail on the 100-day plan Template You Should Fill

This template consists of several important points. Those points guide you to make effective plans to get your target in 100 days.


Indeed, the first thing you should fill on the template is your target. Just write down all of the targets you want to achieve in a month or a year. The more detail the target, the better because it makes the next process easier.


Another point you need to complete is the resources you have. It is about the things that will support you to achieve your target. For example, your target is increasing sales. In this case, you have a solid team, clear target market, place for promotion, and many more. Those points are the source that can help you to increase sales.

Pros and Cons

Next, you have to think about the pros and cons if you achieve the target. Moreover, you also have to think about the side effects of the process to achieve the target.

Review and Feedback

This is the point where you can write down about your achievements. This point helps to understand whether you are getting closer to your target or not. 

Remember! You only have 100 days to achieve your target. Just work well and effectively to achieve the target. Let a 100-day plan template guide you from the beginning until you get your dream.

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