10+ Attendance Sheet Template

Attendance Sheet Template with 10+ Samples

An attendance sheet template is needed when you teach a workshop or teach school-aged children. It becomes an effective tool to keep track of your students. With this sheet, you will also understand the habits of their attendance. In fact, student attendance will affect their learning quality.

The Uses of an Attendance Sheet Template

A PSD attendance sheet template is useful for different places and purposes. First, you can use it in schools. It aims to keep track of the students’ attendance. Besides that, you can also use an attendance sheet to keep track of teachers or staff’s attendance.

An attendance sheet can also be used at offices. With an attendance sheet, you will be able to keep track of the attendance of your employees. It also eases you to praise your employees based on their diligence. So, a company must have an attendance sheet.

An organization, either profit or non-profit, also needs to use an attendance sheet template PSD. A good organization must have this kind of sheet. So, whether you are a teacher, an employer, or a leader of an organization, you have to be able to create an attendance sheet.

Types of Attendance Sheet Templates

An attendance sheet is divided into different types. The most common type is a monthly attendance sheet. It is usually used in an office or organization. With this attendance sheet, an employer will be able to know how many times his/her employees work during a month.

Another common type is a weekly attendance sheet PSD template. This kind of attendance sheet is mostly used in a class. It lets teachers know the attendance performance of each student. This can also be used as a reference to give additional rates for the most diligent student.

Attendance Sheet Template Samples

If you are searching for PSD attendance sheet sample templates, you are on the right site. One of the examples is a meeting attendance sheet. It is usually used by a company to know the attendance performance of the employees in a meeting.

Besides that, an attendance sheet for an event also belongs to one of the sample templates available in this article. Of course, there are still many other sample templates you can find on the internet such as a student attendance sheet, an employee attendance sheet, & an organization member attendance sheet.

How to Make an Attendance Sheet Template

How to write an attendance sheet depends on the type. For example, if you want to make a class attendance sheet, you can start with the name of the school, followed by a specific class. Then, you can continue creating a table with some columns containing the required details of the information.

From the leftmost column, you can fulfill it with the students’ names followed by names of days, and stats. Then, you should fulfill the table based on the attendance performance of each student. It is also a good idea to separate boys & girls. Anyway, the following attendance sheet template will be useful.


Attendance Sheet Design Ideas

Attendance Sheet Ideas

Attendance Sheet Example

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