Printable Puppy Shot Record for Your Pets’ Medical Track
You may have read about so many different vaccinations your puppy should take. The vaccine is important to prevent your pets from potentially dangerous and deadly diseases. You need to use the printable puppy shot record if you find it hard and confusing to remember what shots are taken by your dogs and at what age they have gotten it.
What is Puppy Shot Record?
Printable puppy shot record is one of many veterinary & pet templates you can get as your dogs’ personal medical track. There is no one-fits-all, fixed vaccination schedule for all puppies in the world. Several factors like your dog’s personal disease risk, where do you live, will affect how often and what kind of vaccine the pups need. It is necessary to discuss about this with our veterinarian, and asked them for scheduled appointments according to the shots your pets need to take.
Besides the vaccine record, there are many more medical records that are useful. For instances general health, veterinary treatment schedule, pet ownership transfer, grooming schedule records and so on.
Vaccine Track Format
Sometimes, the vet will provide printable puppy shot record template for the dog owners. But in case yours wasn’t, you can make one your own. Here is what you need to include to track the shot treatment.
- Dog information
Just like human, the physical information of dog needs to be written down. Some information you need to incorporate is including the pet’s name, his age, his date of birth, gender, breed, color. You may need to include your identity such as your name and address if you need to bring the record to the vet.
- Recommended Schedule for Immunization
Create a table with three rows, containing the dog’s age, recommended vaccine, and optional vaccine your pet needs to take.
- The Dates of Immunization
In this section, you will need a table with vaccines’ name and the date they are taken. Also, if you take the immunizations at different vets, write down the veterinarian’s name.
The Recommended Shots for the Dogs
Although the vaccination schedule varies between each dog, there are some recommended immunizations for each age period to follow, which will be explained below.
- 6-8 weeks
Distemper, parainfluenza vaccines are recommended. Bordetella is optional.
- 10-12 weeks
DHPP vaccines are recommended. Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease vaccines are optional.
- 12-24 weeks
Rabies is recommended.
- 14-16 weeks
DHPP vaccines are recommended. Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease vaccines are optional.
- 12-16 months
Rabies, DHPP shots are recommended. Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease vaccines are optional.
- Every 1-2 years
DHPP is recommended.
- Every 1-3 years: Rabies (as required by law)
Note that the recommendation above is just general guide. It is possible to take titer tests to measure you the immunity level of your pet to determine which vaccination is necessary. However, it is worth to use the printable puppy shot record to take care and make sure of their healthy and happy lives

printable puppy shot record

Free Printable Dog Vaccination Record | Free Printable Pet Health