10+ Chevron Pattern in psd photoshop

Chevron Pattern and how to make it awesome for home building

A Chevron Pattern is a zigzag pattern that is similar to a herringbone pattern. The design is impressive if you can arrange the template properly. To design this pattern, you need to pay attention to the accents that will amaze the people when they are arranging the pattern for their need of business.

What is a Chevron Pattern?

A Chevron Pattern design is a pattern made up of equal-size, rectangular pieces, arranged in a staggered zig-zag pattern. The distinct characteristic of this pattern is that one rectangle without an end. It is like a wave but it has a zigzag pattern. This pattern has been shining from 2011 to 2013 so that you need to arrange this template properly.

How to create a Chevron Pattern for home

When you want to arrange this Chevron Pattern idea on your home, you need to prepare some elements that will amaze the people when they look at your design. You can begin by sketching your chevron design by using a pencil and create a chevron design on a sketch pad and note the placement of each color with colored pencils.

Furthermore, you also need some ideas to make this Chevron Pattern format awesome. Gaining this purpose, you can follow some ideas below that are easy to do. You also need to keep in mind that you need to have odd numbers work best for the visual balance. Here are some ideas that will amaze you to arrange the design.

  • You can start by marking the centerline by using a tape measure and straight edge. You also need to mark a vertical line down the center of all drawer fonts with a carpenter’s pencil. This line will be used as a guide for you to place the peak and valley for each chevron
  • Next, you can mark the thickness. You can use a variety of thickness or measure them to make it impressive in square
  • You also need to mark the drip of each chevron. You can create your chevron outline, drop it down from your side marks. Next, you only need to make a hash mark on the centerline with a pencil and connect the dots with a straight edge and a carpenter’s pencil

Tips to design a Chevron Pattern

Besides, you also will need some tips that will lead you to design this Chevron Pattern format idea. The tips will make your design simple but it will be effective to do when you design the pattern as well. Here are some tips that will make your design getting awesome:

  • In the preparation, you can use an electric sander to sand the pads and an extension cord. You can remove existing finished from the stained or painted wood
  • You also can add primer or base color to ensure you get the best finish. You also need to add two coats of either primer or a base color to the drawer fronts, sides, and top using a paint roller
  • In the painting process, you need to keep the odd number because it will show the best for visual balance. You can select three, five, seven, and so forth. Those are the popular ones.

Because of that, you should not worry when you design the Chevron Pattern. You only need to pay attention to some detailed ideas to make your template impressive.

Chevron Pattern Sample

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