Labor and Delivery Nurse Job Description save Moms and Baby

Labor and Delivery Nurse job description is for the nurse that is a specialist for women and her babies. It works from pregnancy, during, and after birth. The duties are extremely complex but this template can explain them properly. Let’s learn this Labor and Delivery Nurse job description template!

Labor and Delivery Nurse Job Description carry 8 Responsibilities

The activities of the Labor and Delivery Nurse are plenty enough from monitor mothers and children. It also serves postpartum care as well as educates new mothers.  Of course, it is about their newborns’ care. In this Labor and Delivery Nurse job description, you can meet the responsibilities in 8 duties:

  1. Undertake prenatal visits with expectant mothers while giving care of both problematic and normal pregnancies.
  2. Teach classes about childbirth preparation.
  3. Provide hands-on clinical care, information, and guidance to pregnant women.
  4. Monitor the strength of contraction during labor and fetal length as well as heartbeat.
  5. Administer medications during birth, coach them (women), and assist with any complication.
  6. Conduct tests on newborns that had just birth.
  7. Give guidance about how to recover and infant care to new mothers.
  8. Utilize equipment and administer medications that pertain to newborns’ care, labor, and delivery.

Labor and Delivery Nurse Job Description with 7 Requirements

Well, the nurse that merely focuses on women’s pregnancies until after birth has long-term duties.  It is because the time starts from prenatal until postnatal to care, infant. This job needs 7 requirements according to the Labor and Delivery Nurse job description. It consists of:

  • This position needs a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s in Nursing.
  • It also holds an active Registered Nursing Licence.
  • The Labor and Delivery Nurse have a willingness to continue obstetric and nursing training.
  • It shows more than 2 years’ experience working as a Registered Nurse in delivery and labor.
  • The nurse and labor must demonstrate skills excellently in communication and interpersonal.
  • Show the Ability to work under stress and intense pressure.
  • Always remain on-call for emergency circumstances and flexibility to work shifts.

The women’s pregnancies must possess the right professional to assist them within care for their baby. They must undertake it from the infant still in the womb in the first semester. Usually, new moms become the most needed people that need this nurse. Therefore, educate your nurse to give a satisfying service to them. Nonetheless, you do not allow ignoring mothers that have ever labored before.

Well, thank you for reading and understanding the Labor and Delivery Nurse job description. Each hospital, clinic, and maternity hospital must possess this template. Those healthcare facilities always need new nurse that is special for labor and delivery. Good luck!


  • What is a Labor and Delivery Nurse?

It is the nurse that works specializes for the women and the infant. It implies the work scope is the mothers with her pregnancies by monitoring both properly.

  • What do Labor and Delivery Nurse perform?

It monitors the development of the infant and the mom from prenatal, postnatal, and how to care for the infant. The existence of the nurse is very useful for new mothers that are still lack of knowledge about it.

  • What is the Educational Background of Labor and Delivery Nurse?

This profession asks for a bachelor’s degree in nursing or associate in the same field.



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