5+ Certificate of Employment Template

Certificate of Employment Template and How to Create It

When applying for a job, the employer can request a certificate of employment template. A potential employer uses this certificate for verifying your employment history. Your current or previous employer issues this kind of certificate when you request for it. Now, let’s discuss it further here!

What Is a Certificate of Employment Template?

A certificate of employment is no more than a few or even single page long. This certificate contains information about your experiences of employment in the company. It looks like a diploma. However, it can also just be simple memorandums.

A certificate of employment sample gets issued on your request as an employee. Then, you should receive it without undue delay. But when requesting such a certificate at a later date, this will be difficult for your employer because he/she has to refer to past employee files.

When Do You Need a Certificate of Employment?

You will need an employment certificate template in the following situations mentioned below:

  • Applying for a job

The most common reason for requesting an employment certificate is when applying a job. It will be used by your potential employer to assess your qualifications.

  • Financial applications

This certificate can also be used for loan applications, credit applications, or other financial applications.

  • Visa applications

You may also ask for a certificate of employment sample template if you want to travel abroad. In this case, the certificate is used to convince the government to let you go out of the country.

How to Use a Certificate of Employment

You ask for this certificate for a reason such as a visa application. It becomes a fact statement about your employment. It does not serve as a recommendation, clearance, or any other document you may use against your employer & vice versa.

By law, an employer should issue this certificate upon the former or current employee’s request. But there is no legal requirement in terms of the signatories of the certificate. There is also no a period of release. Usually, it comes from the HRD and signed by the department member or the officer.

How to Create a Certificate of Employment

This certificate is crucial in the employment relationship. It must be delivered to all employees when the employment agreement is terminated. In addition, it also becomes the responsibility of the company to provide an intermediary certificate on your request.

To create such a certificate, there are a few information details to be included. So, make sure that you include the following information:

  • A description of your roles in the company as well as all the positions you’ve held
  • Your employment’s star date & last date at the company
  • An assessment of your performance & behavior during you work in the company

A certificate of employment template should reflect your behavior & performance. It shouldn’t contain pejorative terms. It shouldn’t also state the cause of your termination even though your manager can explain it. An employer should note that he or she is responsible for the departing & future employees.


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