10+ Clock Face psd template free

Clock Face Template and tips to make it awesome

A clock worksheet is common for a little student in the kindergarten especially for the 1st and 2nd grades. Therefore, if you are in the class, you will need a clock face template that will show the children the time. This idea will imply the humungous task to compile the clock sheets for every student.

What is the role of a clock face template?

This clock face template idea will be useful especially for you who want to use the template for interactive Math students. The template will make the student interested because you can make the time getting interesting and interactive so that the student will not be bored when they are studying in the class.

How to make a clock face template in Word

You can arrange the clock face template design without any difficulties because it is simple to design. The template will help the student to help them learn how to tell the time on an analog clock. Therefore, you have to make this template as impressive as possible to impress the student learning about the time.

Gaining this purpose, you can design the clock face template format in Word without any difficulties. You can follow some steps that will make this template impressive. Here are some of the steps to follow in designing the template:

  • You can begin by opening your Word document and select the insert tab then choose the option shapes.
  • After that, you can drop down the menu and you can select the circular shape. Your cursor will convert into a plus sign and place this on the document and drag it to create the outer border of the clock. You can select a square shape if you please
  • You also need a select arrow in Insert Menu and a straight line or a small circle to put in the marking in for the number
  • Remember to move the cursor inside the circle by pressing the tab and bring it to the marking. Here you have to type number 1 to number 12.

Tips to arrange a clock face template

Furthermore, your clock face design idea will be impressive if you can arrange it with special steps to amaze the student. In this part, you will need some tips that will beautify your clock template. Here are some of the tips that can be followed:

  • You need to design your template with a good demonstration that will help the children getting communicated well
  • You can include a paper or plastic with movable hands to help the student demonstrate different times and learn to distinguish between the hour, minute, and second hand
  • Design the clock face in a big template to make it easily understanding

With those ideas, you can teach the children about the time effectively. The clock face template will help you to teach the concept of time to the students well. This proper template also will provide the students with a worksheet that will ensure them to get sufficient practice so that you need to pay attention to those ideas well.

Clock Face Template Sample

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