Daily Lesson Plan Template Sample

How to Write Daily Lesson Plan

The daily lesson plan is needed by the teacher because it helps to guide the teacher to transfer knowledge every day to their students. For all of you who like to write a daily lesson, you need to know first more about definition and step by step to write a daily lesson. Here you can get information that helps you in writing your daily lesson.

Definition of Daily Lesson

Daily lesson plan or lesson plan is the teacher’s note of the course of instruction or learning trajectory for the lesson. It is usually will be made by the teacher to guide class learning. There are some details related to the daily lesson or lesson plan that must be written such as subjects that will be covered and the needs of the students too. Here, you can get information too about step by step in writing your lesson plan.

Criteria of Good Lesson Plan

Before you write your lesson plan, you need to know the criteria of a good lesson plan so you can perfectly write your lesson plan. So, when you write a lesson plan, you must know that your lesson plan must be fulfilled the good criteria of lesson plan such as:

  1. Good Mix Activities

A good lesson plan will be made with good mix activities that will make your students can follow the lesson without feeling bored with what you tell them. You must be able to make an attractive lesson for your students.

  1. Enough Interaction

You need to create a fun lesson or enough interaction with your students. It is related to how to speak to your students and how your student can give a response to your lesson too.

  1. Clear Aim

When you give certain lessons with a certain topic, you need to ensure that you give a clear message and aim for your lesson too.

  1. Logically Planned

You must be able to make the lesson logically planned so your students will be easy to understand what you want to tell them.

Sections of Lesson Plan

When you write your lesson plan, you need to know some sections. The best lesson plan must be fulfilled some sections such as:

  1. Materials for Lesson

You need to prepare good materials for the lesson. The material should follow the student’s level too and you must be able to write and transfer the material to your student in a good way. You can use technology or tools to help you by explaining more about materials for your lesson.

  1. Individual Notes

You need to prepare individual notes. You student must be able to take notes and use their note to learn by themselves in their home.

  1. Lesson Evaluation

When you give a lesson, you need to always think about evaluation too. You need to know the weakness that you may face and then find the solution or prepare for new material for your students too.

  1. Potential Problems

You may face some problems when you deliver your material to your students. You need to identify problems during the lesson and you need to plan a solution to avoid the same problems in the future time.

There are some examples of the lesson plan that you can find in some sources. You who are new teachers or trainees will need it because you will know step by step in making a good daily lesson plan easily.

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