Logistics Service Letterhead Customizable PSD Template

Logistics Service Letterhead for Business Document and Transaction

Letterhead has two main functions. It is for an official document that indicates the letter comes from your company. Secondly, you can use it as a customer receipt and a proof of transaction. People will know the document is legal just by looking at its letterhead. That is also applicable to the logistics service letterhead.

Logistics service is a business that requires serious management. You can rely on the framework on how to deliver the order on time. From this point, the timeline is the key that you should put into utmost consideration. You must convince that your service is reliable. For such purpose, you can rely on letterhead. It seems simple but people put value in something that represents the legal aspect.

Logistics Service Letterhead Main Design

In old days before the computer and internet era, the company ordered letterhead from third party services. The design and quality are exclusive, especially for prominent businesses. On the other hand, some companies provide letterhead products. For a small business, you may often see the simple paper with handmade design.

Today, computer and digital design make everything simpler and faster. You do not have to be a designer to utilize the letterhead. This is why you can rely on the logistics service letterhead template. The main design adopts the official and attractive style. The letterhead represents the company, and it is good when you look at it directly.

Logistics Service Letterhead Contents

The next section will explore the things you should put into this letterhead. You can find various designs with different colors and styles. In general, all letterheads have the same basic contents. Check the following list for more explanation.

  1. Company identity

The first thing you put into the letterhead is company identity. The main reason for creating this one is people will know your business after reading the header. You can utilize letterheads for correspondence and documentation regarding internal or external activities. Therefore, the company identity is the most important thing to be in the letterhead.

  1. Header and footer

Some letterheads are simple with the plain and blank style. You only see the logo and company name, including the address and contact information. You can add the header and footer sections. The header might be integrated into the company identity, but it is better to separate it. Well, it is for quick identification, such as code, year, and simple words. The footer is extra to add the page number, copyright statement, and additional information.

  1. Main color and design

The last part of the logistics service letterhead is the style and color. You can use the color that’s similar to a logo. The letterhead for business should have up to two colors. Avoid too many colors as this is the letterhead for business, not for the entertainment and artwork fields.

Logistics Service Letterhead PSD

Some templates will help you to find the right one. Check the following list for the templates you can get.

  • Letterhead for the shipping company
  • Letterhead for delivery service
  • Letterhead for general logistics service
  • International logistics and shipping service
  • Small logistics company

Logistics Service Letterhead PSD Template

All templates have a PSD extension. It is the file format on Photoshop software. You can get ready-made files that are easy to customize. You can change, edit, replace, and add the contents. For your information, the PSD logistics service letterhead template consists of layered components. You just replace the layer that contains the image with the logo then edit the text section with the company name.  

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