10+ Printable Biweekly Timesheet Template

Biweekly Timesheet Template with Guidelines

One of the differences between a weekly &biweekly timesheet template is that the weekly timesheet records the working time of the employees week by week and the bi-weekly timesheet records it for 2 weeks. The time must be recorded in a decimal format. For example, 2 hours 30 minutes becomes 2.50.

What Is the Best App for Timesheet?

If you want to create a timesheet, there are different kinds of software you can use. One of them is Home base. This software is best for individuals & teams. This software can be used on any device. Besides that, there is also Click Time for your alternative.

This one is best for individuals and teams, too. You can use this software on Android, iPad, and iPhone devices. Another best option is ZoomShift. This is best for small, medium, & large businesses. This software can be used on different platforms including iPhone, iPad, Android, and web-based.

How Can I Make My Own Bi-weekly Timesheet?

First of all, you have to format your bi-weekly spreadsheet so that it will be easy to read. Second of all, you will need to title your bi-weekly timesheet. Third of all, what you should do is to include labels to your bi-weekly timesheet.

For the next step, you are required to add bi-weekly timesheet labels. Last but not least, you can directly print your bi-weekly timesheet when it is done. Make sure that you follow all the steps above. It is easy, isn’t it?

How Do You Manage a Bi-weekly Timesheet?

To implement a bi-weekly timesheet, there are a few steps you will have to follow. Firstly, you have to select the right level of detail. If you begin tracking time without enough precision, you cannot benefit from it. After that, you need to choose activities you will track.

Then, you should explain the goals of your bi-weekly timesheet template. Next, you must establish a clear process. Lastly, get everyone on board. If you have understood how to manage a bi-weekly timesheet, you can practice managing it on your own in the proper manner.

How Do You Keep Track of a Bi-weekly Timesheet?

Here, you will have to track time as you work. Besides that, you should also add time manually. Then, you need to ad time in a bi-weekly timesheet. Now, it is your time to practice creating such a timesheet. You can use our bi-weekly timesheet template for your reference.

Tips for Creating a Bi-weekly Timesheet

Creating such a timesheet is very challenging. Even more, it can be a bit frustrating as it takes a lot of time, effort, and even money. That is why you will need to find a more effective way to create it. In this case, what you need is our free template.

Our biweekly timesheet template is not only free to download but also easy to edit. With our template, you will be able to create such a template effortlessly & quickly. Here, you can find and pick your preferred template and customize it to fit your needs.

Printable Biweekly Timesheet Template Sample

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