5+ Printable Career Portfolio psd template free

Career Portfolio Template for Recruitment Process

When you want to apply for a new job, inserting a career portfolio is an important thing to do. This document can be a supporting detail that strengthens your position as a candidate. Since it also becomes the consideration of the recruiter, knowing about the career portfolio template is needed.

The basic career portfolio will tell about the working experience. As we know, many companies will see the experiences of the candidates as a consideration to apply their request. Through a clear career portfolio, of course, the recruiter could find the most potential employees to be selected.

What is Career Portfolio?

In simple, the career portfolio can be said as a document that tells about the previous careers of the candidate. The information inside this document indicates that the candidate has some experience especially that relates to the field of work that they want to join.

The career portfolio can be attached inside the document to apply for a new job. Of course, it should be completed by the other documents, such as the curriculum vitae, resume, and others. Besides, the career portfolio also should be written formally.

What to Include Inside Career Portfolio?

There are some points to be included inside the career portfolio. Of course, each point will tell the detailed information, so the recruiter could understand the life of the candidate better.

Some basic points to be included inside the career portfolio are:

  • The basic information of the candidate
  • A copy of the standard resume
  • Detailed education, such as degrees, certifications, and others
  • Skills and achievements
  • Career goals
  • Mission statement
  • Professional summary
  • Work samples
  • Evaluation or recommendation
  • Research and publications
  • Closing statement

The points above can be a consideration when you want to make a good career portfolio. However, you may add more points for clearer information. Just see some samples of it to add more consideration.

Tips to Make a Good Career Portfolio

Since the career portfolio becomes an important document to be considered and it will influence the running of your career, you need to make it carefully. It will be helpful when you find a template of the career portfolio to start making it. The template will offer the basic shape of the document.

On another hand, since a career portfolio is a formal document, you need to use a formal language option. Avoid using any ambiguous words there that could daze the readers.

Then, the career portfolio should be made clear and simple. Of course, you need to think about the length of the letter and make sure that the letter is not too long to be read.

Career Portfolio Template File

To ease you in writing the career portfolio, using a template can be a helper for you. As we have said before, the template will provide a default shape of the document. All you need to do is following the shape of it.

On this page, we have several samples of the career portfolio template that you may get. Of course, all samples are free to download and it is easy to be edited. Scroll the complete page and find the best template to ease you in writing your career portfolio!

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career portofolio template 14 MB 502
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