5+ Printable Change Requests Template

Change Requests Template for Construction Project

When you have a request about the construction project to a certain contractor, you still have a chance to change the request. Yes, changing a request is a common matter that happens inside the construction project. However, you need to know about the change requests template before asking it.

A client could ask a change request to the management or the contractor when they find another plan to do. Besides, this document also can be made because of the mistakes that happen during the project. Here, we will talk to you about some matters of the change request that you need to know.

What is Change Request?

In simple, a change request can be known as a document that is made by the client when there are some changes to the whole construction project to be changed. This document will describe the new work and plan that will be applied to refuse the previous plan.

As we have said before, the change request is a common document, especially inside the construction project. However, this document should be made carefully. The client needs to make a professional document and they also need to consider the law of the contract.

Why is Change Request Important?

Sometimes, you as a client need to make the document of the change request. Of course, there are some reasons why you need to make it.

Getting more efficient details of the project becomes the first reason why this document should be made. By making this document, you could show a better idea to help the management and make sure that the project can be finished better.

On another hand, the change request is also important because of the fund consideration. As we know, a client will provide huge money for the construction project. When there are a problem and mistake during the running of the project, the change, especially for fund allocation, should be done.

How to Make a Good Change Request?

As we have said before, a change request is an important document to be considered, especially when you run a construction project with a constructor. Since this document is important and it should be made professionally, there are some steps to be known before you start to make it.

Some steps as a guideline to make a good change request are:

  • Review the detailed previous or original contract with the contractor
  • Determine if you need to do some changes
  • Write the detailed date to change the request
  • Provide some detailed descriptions about the change request
  • Include the change of cost when it is needed
  • Get a necessary signature for the detailed form of the change request

Change Requests Template File

To ease you in writing the whole change request, you could use a template. Well, using a template is a good idea to be done. A template will show the default shape of this document. It means all you need to do is only following the detailed steps inside it.

Here, we have some samples of the change requests template that you could find. All templates are free to download and it is easy to be edited. Try to scroll this page and you will get the best template to make a good change request.

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