10+ Printable Brainstorming Template

4+ Editable Brainstorming Template Samples

Many people consider a mind map or brainstorming template as a handy tool. It can be used for planning, brainstorming, presenting data, etc. It can be created using Word, PowerPoint, etc. Alternatively, you can also download and use our template for a more efficient & easier way.

What Are Brainstorming Techniques?

There are a few strategies that can help you & your team through all the stages. They include brain writing, rapid ideation, figure storming, eidetic image method, online brainstorming or brain netting, round-robin brainstorming, step-ladder technique, and mind mapping.

What Are the Rules of Brainstorming?

You have to pay attention to the following rules of brainstorming. First, don’t get everyone involved immediately. Besides that, don’t put limitations on the brainstorming session. In addition, you also should not right away shoot down ideas.

Then, you also cannot only focus on the quality of ideas. Moreover, you also shouldn’t limit the ideation to 1 brainstorming session only. Even though there are still a few other rules, make sure that you understand all the rules above.

Tips for Brainstorming

The following tips will be useful & helpful for brainstorming. First, you have to defer judgment. Besides that, you will have to encourage wild ideas, too. Then, you should also build on other people’s ideas. In addition, you must stay on topic.

For the next tips, you have to consider one conversation at a time. Furthermore, you must also be visual. One more, it is a must for you to go for quantity. Those tips will be useful for brainstorming or man mapping.

How to Make a Brainstorming Template

Make sure that you include the following basic elements. The first is the central topic. It relates to the title, concept, or theme of your template. Main topics also belong to the basic elements where you should think about main ideas or topics to define the central topic.

Then, it must contain some subtopics where these relate to the details that describe your main topics. Next, you have to think about callout topics where these are additional info about a certain topic. Last, include floating topics where these contain further info about the central topic.

How to Use a Brainstorming Template

There a few different ways how people use brainstorming. Brainstorming is the first one. It is appropriate for you who try to brainstorm new ideas & concepts. Managing group meetings is another way. It is beneficial to manage group meetings.

Then, you can also consider making decision. It can help you write the pros & cons. The next way is to organize your information.  Next, brainstorming can also help you plan events as it entails much information. In addition, you can use it for presentation & evaluation.

Tips for Creating a Brainstorming Template

To create a brainstorming template, it will be better if you use our templates. Since our templates are customizable, you can easily & freely edit it to fit your needs using Adobe Photoshop or any other editing tool. Hopefully, this will help you a lot.

Printable Brainstorming Template Sample

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