10+ Printable Catering Invoice Template

Catering Invoice Template and tips to make it awesome

If you want to begin to make a catering business, you probably need to prepare a catering invoice template. This part is important because you can anticipate your costs and create a document to outline the price and it is also important for you to communicate catering price and service before the event to avoid any client disputed.

What is the role of a catering invoice template?

The most important role of this catering invoice template format is that it will let your clients know how much they owe your business. Besides, this idea also has a multitude of a program that will help with this process. Therefore, you have to arrange this template properly to make to give you more advantages as well.

How to create a catering invoice template

To create this catering invoice template idea, you can use Microsoft Word. In this idea, you can create the invoice from the scratch but it is the easiest option to use because Word has a simple feature to apply. This idea also will be useful for you especially when you need to arrange a basic template to arrange.

The basic catering invoice template in Word is easy to create. You can follow some steps below that will make your invoice impressive without any difficulties. Here are some ideas to follow:

  • You can begin to open Microsoft Word and click on File and select new
  • After that, you can enter the invoice into the search field and Word will bring you up all available invoice template
  • If you are using Online Office, you can scroll to the bottom and choose More template and select Category on the left and click invoice
  • Choose the template you want to use and double-click to open the template

In this idea, you only need to add some parts including the text to add and adding the loo on the box around the text. It will be simple to use Word to make a proper invoice.

Tips to arrange a catering invoice template

Furthermore, you also will need some tips to arrange this catering invoice template document. In this part, you only need to arrange the contact information and detail to inform the people about the template. Here are some of the tips that will lead you to arrange the proper template:

  • You can create a list that includes each customer name with a numeric or lettered code assigned to each
  • You also need to breakdown the factors you need to consider when setting a price to inform the recipient about its price
  • Make sure that you consider the cost of service at your catered event including the number of servers, bussers, bartenders, and other wait staff needed

Your catering invoice template will be awesome if you arrange the template suitable with the type of service. The type of catering needs to affect the cost when it comes to hiring a dishwasher after events. Therefore, you have to pay attention to the detailed ideas to make your invoice impressive to read.

Printable Catering Invoice Template Sample


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