Training Course Outline Template

Training Course Outline Template and Its Relevant Contents

In companies, there are some training to improve employees’ skill and capability. Since the company hires a new and fresh employee, before working they must receive the training. The HR department has responsibility for preparing the training course outline template.

Training Course Outline Template Basic Ideas

You do not want to be in the same position over the years, right? As an employee, you must move into the above position step by step. On the other hand, the requirements for the new level are skill and experience. Training is a part of education for obtaining a certain skill set or improving the capability.

In this case, the HR department and companies have the contents, goals, and skills that employees will have at the end of the training session. The outline is similar to the guideline and checklist. It provides things that are necessary to accomplish during training. That’s why you can use a training course outline template.

Training Course Outline Template and Samples

The list of samples of the training course will give basic information about the type of training in your area. Each is dedicated to a specific field, such as finance, business, music, etc. Here are the samples.

  • Financial management course
  • Human resources course
  • MBA course
  • Software engineering course
  • Computer science course
  • Entrepreneurship course
  • Business English course
  • Project management course

Training Course Outline Template Components

You can learn about the training course outline template after exploring the components. The outline will help you providing the right items that must be in the training course.

  1. Name and basic information

The first step on the training course outline template is the course name. People will know exactly what they expect to get after knowing the name and basic information. You may use simple words that represent the general topic or skill, such as math, business, finance, engineering, project, and art.

  1. Goal

The next one is the goal. You can use the objective, purpose, vision, or mission. After the training is completed, people expect to obtain the skill set that has been stated in the goal.

  1. Syllabus and format

The goal requires syllabus and format. It enlists the materials, books, topics, and anything that trainees will receive. They will know the lesson or course that must be done.

  1. Schedule

The training course has a timeline or period. You need to create a schedule with a tabular layout. This part will be side by side with the syllabus. The trainees should know when they must attend and how long the course will last. The schedule also adjusts with the goal and format.

  1. Grading

You do training to improve and boost skills. In the end, of course, the instructors will conduct the assessment. In this case, the outline must include the grading system. Well, training is another version of the lesson plan. Grading, assessment, and measurement have to be strict and quantified.

  1. General terms

The last part is the general terms or rules. It includes reward, punishment, disciplinary action, and commitment. Usually, the company has a training course with official consent. Employees put their signs to indicate the training is legal.

Training Course Outline Template Free Download

You may get a training course outline template as free files. The templates are ready-made files that you can edit and expand. You should define the purpose and objective then choose the topic. After that, look for the template that can fulfill your needs.  

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