Airline Ticket in PSD Photoshop

Airline Ticket as the Flight Entrance

The airplane is air transportation that transports people traveling for long distances. The traveling can be between regions or countries. To get on a plane, of course there is the main procedure that must be done, namely in the form of a reservation. The reservation will later be printed as an airline ticket. It is the sign of entry for boarding the plane.

The Airline Ticket Definition

By definition, an airline ticket is an admission document to get a pass at the airport by buying an airplane flight seat. The ticket is made by an airline company or can also be an airline agency. The ticket can be obtained directly to the company or agency, or with a digital application system. It is usually referred to as an e-ticket.

The Airline Ticket Development

Along with the development of technology, especially in the digital world, it is easy for people to access everything instantly. Payment and booking systems even now can be done without having to go to the location. These are through digital online applications.

In this case, booking and purchasing a ticket for the flight can be done through an online application. The application is created with the initial purpose of digital collaboration with an online service provider company, in this case, is an airline company. Even many who have already used the online application, besides being easy, it is also more affordable in price.

The Airline Ticket PSD Design

Creating an airline ticket can be done with an existing design. The design can be found in the form of a template. The template will be the starting point for the ticket design, which is a file in PSD format. The file will later be used to store the complete status of the image being edited in Photoshop. Therefore, you can close and continue working on the design whenever you want.

Airline Ticket PSD Template Details

Some creative and elegant designs are created in the form of a ticket template. The PSD template includes all the design and content details of a ticket for the airline.

  • Design details

The design of the PSD template is related to the shape, size, layouts, and layers that exist.

  1. Shape

The ticket is in the form of a rectangle. Moreover, the display of texts and images is horizontal or landscape orientation.

  1. Size

The size of the ticket is adjusted to the shape with a length of 5.5 inches, and a width of 2 inches. The size is added to Bleed as the design area outside the cut line.

  1. Layouts and layers

Layouts on the template have been fully customized along with the graphic files. Meanwhile, the layer groups are well organized which the function to make and organize the objects in Photoshop.

  • Content details

The details needed to design the content of airline tickets are ticket holder’s name, the origin country of the ticket owner and destination of the flight, time of departure and arrival, the name and address of the airline, as well as the seating and ticket number.

Download :

File File size Downloads
Airline Ticket Design PSD 1 MB 428
Airline Ticket Design Template 7 MB 499
Airline Ticket Template Example 6 MB 453
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