10+ Basic Lesson Plan Template

Basic Lesson Plan Template to Maximize the Learning Programs

Maximizing the learning program is an important thing to do, especially for the teacher. With the maximal learning program, of course, the students will get the lesson maximally and their understanding also will be better. That is why you –as a teacher, need to know the basic lesson plan template.

The basic lesson plan can be a base strategy for the teacher to teach their students. As its name, this plan consists of how the best teaching ways should be applied and what parameters should be applied to count the understanding level of the students.

What Does the Basic Lesson Plan Mean?

The basic lesson plan can be said as a document that will outline the detailed content of the lesson step by step. It also can be known as the detailed tasks that the students will undertake and a document to help you –as the teacher, to handle the learning process.

This document can be used in different situations. Sometimes, a teacher makes a daily basic lesson plan. However, this document also can be made for a week learning process or a different period that the teacher sees it is important.

What to Include Inside Basic Lesson Plan?

Some information should be added to the basic lesson plan when you want to make it. The information that should be added are:

  • Detailed lesson activities
  • Lesson materials to be taught
  • Lesson objectives
  • Lesson goals
  • Lesson feedback
  • And others

However, a teacher could make the basic lesson plan with some different contents. The contents could be differentiated based on the needs of the teaching or the teaching strategies of the teachers.

How to Make Basic Lesson Plan for Teaching?

To make the basic lesson plan, first, you need to make the objectives. The objectives can be said as the target to reach after delivering the lesson materials. Of course, the objective will influence the strategies that should be applied.

Then, think about time management. It could be said that the management of time is the soul of the basic lesson plan. It means you need to divide and manage the teaching time based on the detailed material of the lesson.

The next thing to do in making the basic lesson plan is listing the detailed lesson and material to be taught. It will be better for you to make some details of the material. This strategy will be very useful to increase the focus of teaching. Besides, it also will help the students to have a better understanding.

After making the basic lesson plan, you could share it with the students. Make them know about what you prepare in learning time. This matter will be very useful to help them prepare their-self to face the lesson.

Basic Lesson Plan Template File

Using the basic lesson plan template can be helpful for you. The template offers the default information of the lesson plan, so you will know what to be written there. We have some templates on this page that you could get for free.

Basic Lesson Plan Template Sample

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File File size Downloads
Besic Lesson Plan Template 916 KB 342
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