Hostel Envelope Template Free PSD

Hostel Envelope Guidelines to Increase the Number of Visitors

The hostel is a place to stay with cheaper rates if compared to the hotels. The concept of the hostel is similar to a dormitory that has several beds in one large room. This usually provides bunk beds to save space. Hostels providers, of course, need a promotional media, so visitors will come back again to stay. One of the promotional media that can be used is a hostel envelope. You might be surprised to know that the envelopes are not only for letter wrapping but also used as promotional media. Then, how do you make the envelopes to function as promotional media?

Advantages of Using Hostel Envelope

The envelopes might sound outdated because the correspondence activities are starting to shift to e-mail. However, some advantages of conventional mail cannot be replaced by e-mail. Let’s check them out.

  1. Valid proof

Physically visible letters can be strong proof. Besides, the letter wrapped in an envelope can be stored by the recipient, unlike the case with an email that has no physical form. It is possible that you forgot your e-mail password and lost your valuable information.

  1. Form of seriousness

Using envelope media is considered as your seriousness in building a hostel business. A good envelope design will strengthen the company’s credibility. Make sure you use high-quality paper as an envelope material.

  1. Effective promotion media

Media promotional letters and envelopes are often used in large companies. The hostel envelope can be a suitable medium for promoting your services. Put the information like logos, addresses, and contacts, so the promotional purposes can run smoothly.

Hostel Envelope Design Guidelines

  1. Determine the type of envelope

Before starting to design, you should know the type of envelope to be used. It is recommended to choose this type of business envelope as a promotional medium for hostel services because this envelope displays important information, such as address and contact. This one also has the ideal size.

  1. Elegant and minimalist design

An elegant and minimalist look will give a professional and trusted impression. Also, the design does not require complicated graphics, so it will facilitate you. Although it is minimalist, the layout must be based on the design rules, so the aesthetic value is maintained.

  1. Using modern fonts

Modern fonts are optional, but they can be considered for the envelope design. Generally, modern fonts use the sans serif type which leaves a clean impression.

  1. Add a clear address

Addresses and contacts are very important in the promotion. Usually, the address portion in the envelope is placed on the lower right side.

Hostel Envelope PSD Ideas template

Some hostel envelope templates are provided free of charge. It is a good choice for you who are required to work quickly. Besides, the templates are designed by reliable and experienced designers.

The Paper type Hostel Envelope

The selection of the right paper in making a hostel envelope is to adjust the service provider budget. Each piece of paper also has different characteristics. For business envelopes, you can use standard paper types, such as art paper and matte paper.  

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Hostel Envelope Template Design 5 MB 420
Hostel Envelope Template Ideas 6 MB 420
Hostel Envelope Template Sample 1 MB 429
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