Novel Outline Template

Novel Outline Template for Keeping the Storyline More Engaging

Writing a novel is an interesting job, but it is not an easy task. You must have the outline that explains what general story and plot you have. Novel outline template is mandatory for all writers, both for beginners and professionals. It tells the plot, characters, scenes, setting, background, and twist. You should keep the timeline for each section and start writing based on the outline.

Some novels have a complex storyline. The plot explains the past story, but the recent one is still happening. To ensure you keep the general storyline on the track, you should separate each section with a standalone chapter. This part will have its outline. You just write the story in the story. That’s a complex structure for a novel, but the reader will like it. Of course, you may have a simple storyline with a forwarding timeline without much hassle when arranging the plot and scene. This kind of novel still requires the outline to ensure the ending is at the right time.

Novel Outline Template Basic Ideas

Writers may have the idea, but they do not ensure if the material is enough for the story. They prepare the outline then write anything that is already in their mind. After that, the outline is arranged into proper order. They take the time to develop the story and add more material. With the outline, they know which part is enough or less, regarding the integrity of the material.

Novel Outline Template and Samples

You can see some samples for the novel outline template. Each is for a specific genre, but you can have the general one.

  1. General novel outline

Most writers have a general outline that applies to any genre and book. Beginners often use this one before focusing on a specific topic.

  1. Graphic novel outline

The graphic novel combines writing and drawing. The story is written, and illustrators will make him drawing based on the storyline, including character visualization.

  1. Mystery novel outline

One of the reasons why the novel has an outline is the genre you write. You often read the books with complex structure and engaging storyline. The simplest example is the detective story or anything about crime. You must have the best outline to ensure every part is exciting.

  1. Fantasy novel outline

Another genre that uses outline is fantasy. It can be semi-fantasy and the full one. You can use an outline to identify character, situation, storyline, plot, even making up the language.

Novel Outline Template Contents

You can use the novel outline template for keeping the content as relevant as possible. You know how to write, but it is not enough if the story and plots are too bland. You need something twist, surprise, and excitement. With this outline, you can insert the content to boost the excitement.

The content for the novel outline has three main sections. They are the basic information, storyline, and plot, as well as the conclusion. You need to enlist the character, general idea, setting, and background in the first section. The storyline includes the timeline, character development, and interactive scene.

Novel Outline Template Main Design

You can use this template for two things. Firstly, the outline will be your note for writing the upcoming novel. Secondly, you can use the outline for explaining what your story is about. The editor and publisher must know what the novel will be when the writing is finished. The design has to be simple and easy to customize. Moreover, the novel outline template is readable and editable.   

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