Party Ticket PSD Flyer Template

Party Ticket Designs for Various Themes and Concept of Events

Holding a party requires many kinds of preparation. The organizers must be able to set the stage, decoration, and of course the Party Ticket. This is necessary when there is a special performance from guest stars. By having a ticket, it will be easier to manage the guests, and it is possible to limit the access, so not everyone can enter and join the party, so all people in the event still can find convenience while enjoying all things in there.


Main Elements of Party Ticket PSD Template

In making the ticket, some points must be considered. Some important elements cannot be ignored, and these are some of them.

  1. Name of the event

It is the first point to have. The name of the event should be made clear in a big font. It is the one that will attract people’s attention.

  1. Renee

Then, it should show the exact place or venue of the party. People must know where they have to go. It will be perfect when there is also a QR code or link to directly get the GPS to direct the way to the venue.

  1. Date and time

When it is a big party, of course, there will be many people coming to the event. That is why it is good to know the date and time. It can become a reminder, and people can make some good preparation, including coming early, so they still can get the best spot to enjoy the party.


Summer Pool Party Ticket

Among many reasons, it seems that summer is the best one to have a party. There are many nice summer parties, and summer pool party is one of the good ways to enjoy the heat of the season. Of course, the good design of Party Ticket should be prepared.

For the summer pool party, it is good to use some nice and bright colors to represent the summer vibe. Then, it is a pool party, so the element of water and splash may be added to the design. These are enough to show what people may see at the venue.


DJ Party Ticket

When it is about the party, it will be incomplete without music. Of course, it will be perfect when there is a DJ party. This is more than just a simple party since the whole night will be filled by the beat of the music. People surely are going to get satisfied with the party, especially when it invites a great DJ.

For the Party Ticket of this event, it is good to have graphics on the design, since it represents the electronic music of the DJ. Then, showing the name of its DJ is a great chance, especially when it is about a famous DJ. It will make people more interested to come.


Halloween Party Ticket

Then, Halloween party is another party to have every year. It is not a scary moment of the year, yet it becomes the best moment to have a party with costumes. Halloween will never be enough when it has no great costumes involved.  

That is why the tickets for Halloween party always include dress code or costumes to wear. Of course, the theme and design of the ticket should be made, so it represents the vibe of Halloween. There are many possible designs to choose from, and it is also possible to get some Party Ticket templates to make things much easier.

Download :

File File size Downloads
Party Ticket Design PSD 6 MB 524
Party Ticket Template Example 9 MB 407
PSD Template For Party Ticket 3 MB 404
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