Persuasive Speech Outline Template Sample

Persuasive Speech Outline Template for Delivering the Best Speech

Public speaking is an important skill, but there is resistance because people do not trust your words unless it is proven. This is a tough situation because speaking is not just about meaningless and repetitive sentences. You must deliver the argument and facts in a good manner. When people realize the situation, you can start gaining attention. The rest will be quite easy as long as the content in your speech is relevant. In this case, you should have a persuasive speech outline template.

Persuasive Speech Outline Template Main Idea

Before exploring more sections, you should know the meaning of the persuasive speech outline template. It gives you the items that a speech must-have. Keep in mind the speech is about the persuasive approach. It is not about selling products or motivation. You should deliver this speech with the analogy, rhetorical tone, fact, data and information, and urgency.

The main idea is you speak with the truth and logical way. You must be persuasive with the words and avoid something that makes your audiences think negatively. The goal is people understand the cause-effect situation about a certain issue. You should bring the audience to your level of thinking. This is what the persuasive speech supposed to be.

Persuasive Speech Outline Template Contents

The outline is developed as a guide to ensure you stay on the topic. People often listen to the speaker when explains something with unreliable sentences. Moreover, the topic itself is only a small portion of the speech. In a persuasive speech outline template, you should learn the content that will be in the speech.

  1. Goal

Every speech has a goal that the speaker wants to achieve. You just put what goal to be expected. The speech is the work and you surely want a good result. This part includes basic information about the audience and topic.

  1. Introduction

The next part is the introduction. This is the most crucial section that determines whether your speech will be good or bad. People grasp your speech in the first five minutes. You can start with a greeting and justify the topic. In this part, the content should be about the fact or examples that have been occurred. You can also put some illustrations and analogy to support the initial argument.

  1. Practical content

After the introduction attracts attention, it is time for delivering real content. You should avoid unnecessary explanations. On the other side, you should provide practical content.

  1. Review and conclusion

As usual, you can conclude what has been stated, and the speech will end with a conclusion. From this point, you can see whether your speech is good or bad.

Persuasive Speech Outline Template and Samples

Some samples at the following list will be useful for guidelines. You can choose the platform to adjust to your writing purpose.

  • Basic persuasive speech outline
  • PDF format for speech outline
  • Persuasive speech outline with Word template
  • Free persuasive template

Persuasive Speech Outline Template Design and Layout

A persuasive speech outline template can use two layouts. As a speaker, you have your outline. If the speech is in the events, the manager or person in charge will have the outline for an official document. The layout incorporates a practical approach with a simple list and additional support, such as data and explanation.