10+ Work from Home Log Template

 10+ Work from Home Log Template Formats that Work

During this pandemic, we are required to work from home. If you run a business and your company suggests the employees to work from home, it is a good idea to create a log to monitor the progress of working from home. If you have no idea, you can see & use the following work from home log template.

Work from Home Log Template Samples

In this article, you can find a collection of PSD work from home log templates. One of the examples is a service-learning time log. Besides that, you can also consider an employee daily work from home worksheet template.

Then, there is also a daily work from home planner log template. The next sample template is a freelance work from home log. And there are still many others. Because there are many options, you have to pick the most appropriate template for your needs.

Types of Work from Home Log Templates

Work from home log PSD templates is available in different types. One of them is a task work from home log. It contains a list of tasks you carry out for the company you work on. Besides, there is also an attendance work from home log. Usually, it resembles a sign in & sign out sheet.

The next sample template is a daily work from home log. It consists of a list of hours you log in on a particular day & the work you do every day. If you are looking for a template that works for a work from home log, you can find many samples available here.

The Uses of a Work from Home Log Template

A work from home log template PSD is very beneficial for both employers and employees. One of the benefits is to help an employer to keep track on his/her employees’ performances. Besides, it also helps an employer to calculate payments.

How to Write a Work from Home Log

The PSD work from home log template format depends on your needs. For example, if you want to make a work log sheet, you can start with the SDF project number. After that, you need to write the project title.

To provide the work from home log, you should use a table that contains a few headers including Date, Name, Time from, Time to, and Number of hours worked. Then, you can start fulfill the table based on the employees’ performance during working from home.

Editable Work from Home Log Template

Creating a work log can be a bit frustrating because it takes a lot of time and effort. If you have never created this kind of document before, it is better to use our templates. All of the templates are not only downloadable but also editable and printable.

Our work from home log template is available in various options and formats. You can freely pick your desired template. Then, you can directly edit it to fit your needs. Before printing, make sure that you proofread it first.

Work from Home Log Ideas

Work from Home Log Example



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