Outline Examples Template for Various Documents and Other Purposes

In creating various documents, especially for formal purposes, the quality of content should become the main consideration. Then, delivery and diction should be the next point to get attention. To get an easier process, it will be helpful to outline. The outline can help people to manage the flow of ideas. Of course, there are many kinds of outline examples, and each document has different contents of samples.


Business Plan Outline Examples

One of the common documents is the business plan. This may be common in companies, but the fact does not make the document easy to make. Even, it is sophisticated, and it takes time to formulate it. There are crucial parts and contents in the file, such as:

  1. Background of business

The heading or first part of the document will be about the background of the business. It shows why and how the business is created, so it is like telling such a short history.


  1. Goals and objective

Then, there is a part of the objectives to achieve. There must be specific targets or goals that are going to reach by the company and the employees.


  1. Marketing plan

For companies working in providing products and services, marketing plan plays important roles. It will show specific strategies in promoting and advertising the business and product, so people can know and be interested to become customers.


  1. Financial plan

There is also a financial plan. This part becomes important since it provides information about the plan regarding the possible expenses and incomes of the company.


Speech Outline Examples

For students who have a task to make a speech, it can be quite a difficult task to do. Doing speech in front of the audiences or other students can be different from having non-formal talks. Each word should be picked properly, and contents should be delivered nicely.

In this case, some students may need to have some speech outline examples. The outline can help them to design the speech. They can set some outlines of ideas to deliver, so they can develop specific points. It will be necessary so there will be no points left behind.


Resume Outline Examples

For job applicants, making resumes become one of the important things to prepare. This always becomes important documents as part of the application requirement. Of course, the information should be updated. Even, the specific job can have different content of resume even if it is written by the same person.

The content of the resume should be relevant to the job offer. In this case, making a good resume can be easier when there are resume outline examples. The outline can provide specific points, and it will be great to have a complete example so people can get complete references.


Dissertation Proposal Outline Examples

For students, the dissertation becomes one of the final tasks to prepare. This is not a simple assignment as other papers. This must be planned properly, and even it requires comprehensive research to get the best results.   

Since it is going to be an academic paper, it needs good content and delivery. It will be helpful when there are some references to outline. This can be a necessary part to do before creating the content. Of course, there are many dissertation outline examples to provide the necessary references and suggestions.

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