Someone who wants to make a transaction will need a letter indicating proof of transaction. Bill of sale form free printable is a document where you can trust the transactions made. This form is used to show the proof of having transferred ownership of the goods between the seller and the buyer. Moreover, it is usually used in various types of transactions, including selling goods, exchanging goods, giving this letter as a gift, or mortgaging this letter to get a loan.
There are two types of bill of sale according to the conditions of use. First is the absolute bill of sale as a document which contains proof of transfer or ownership of personal property. The document does not represent guarantee, and it is only a contract of sale in accordance with applicable sales laws. Second is the conditional bill of sale. Its function is to maintain the security of transactions between two parties. It is like pawning goods. The existence of this contract facilitates the transaction from start to finish. At this point, the process is easy to follow because there are lots of bill of sale form free printable templates available.
Can You Write A Bill of Sale Yourself?
The question arises what about the handwritten bill of sale. It depends on the country inhabited. Some countries that do not provide this form may allow this. The most important thing is the contents explain in detail the things needed related to the transactions.
Is There A Bill of Sale Template In Word?
Bill of sale form free printable templates are widely available in word format. You can make it by yourself or it can be downloaded online. The form is of course used as its function, namely to document transactions.
Who Keeps The Bill of Sale?
The seller or buyer involved in a transaction, each must have this document. As usual, the buyer will keep the original, and the seller will keep a copy. This is very important for both parties because it makes the transactions more secure
Alabama Vehicle Bill of Sale
The Alabama vehicle bill of sale contains an agreement between the seller and the buyer where a personal property transaction, such as a vehicle in Alabama takes place. The goods will be transferred after the buyer and seller have signed the document, as well as the goods being traded are already with their respective parties.
In the transaction, it is necessary to check the information of the parties concerned as a form of self-awareness. Make sure the country of origin of the person, and also make a copy of the document.
Bill of Sale Printable
The bill of sale form free printable is a legal document that functions to transfer ownership of goods between the two parties. This form looks like a retail receipt, but instead it contains information on valuables. The price limit of an item is usually above 500 dollars. This evidence also serves to provide legal protection if something happens in the future.
Blank Bill of Sale
Bill of sale form free printable is widely known as receipts, sales slips, and proof of transactions. Some people who make transactions will find it difficult if they have to do this process too long. A blank bill of sale is needed to solve this problem. However, even though it speeds up the process of transferring goods, it is better to remain careful in carrying out all transactions.
Boat Bill of Sale
Boat bill of sale contains documentation of ship sales transactions. A ship or even a handboat must be registered in the state in which it is used. The function of this form is as one of the documents needed in registering the ship.
Firearm Bill of Sale
The firearm bill of sale is used as a required document when registering the weapon. The data in it will contain the brand, model caliber, and also the serial number of the weapon. The firearm bill of sale is also used as a personal record.
General Bill of Sale
The general bill of sale contains proof of purchase for commonly used items, such as electronics, home furnishings, jewelry and clothing. The contents of this document include a description of the goods, the names of seller and buyer, as well as the price and terms of the transaction. This document is filled out and signed by the seller and the buyer.
Horse Bill of Sale
The horse or equine bill or sale contains documentation of the horse sale transaction between the seller and the buyer. A person who intends to make a sale, purchase or any transaction of a horse requires this document. In some states, such as Florida, California, and Kentucky, this form is legally required.
A seller and a buyer can also have their own horse bill of sale to show their side. On the document, if it is written in the “as-is” agreement then the horse cannot be returned to the seller and asks for compensation, even if there are defects or other things.
Motocycle Bill of Sale
Motocycle bill of sale is used as a valid proof in a motorcycle sale and purchase transaction. This form contains the price details and a complete description of the motorcycle.
This bill of sale form free printable aims to protect both parties if there are future legal problems. It also contains the terms of transaction which shows the price and condition of motorcycle.
Personal Property Bill of Sale
The easiest characteristic of personal property is movable property, both tangible and intangible. Tangible personal properties are motorcycles, animals, ships, airplanes and home furnishings. Meanwhile, the issues of intangible property are cash, stocks, notes, bonds, money market and the like. In this case, the bill of sale is required which is useful in protecting the items legally.
Trailer Bill of Sale
Trailer bill of sale form free printable contains changes in trailer ownership. Legally, a trailer can be interpreted as a vehicle that does not have its own propulsion system, and it must be assisted by another vehicle. If there is a transaction of trailer being sold along with its cargo, such as a motorcycle or a car, the contents of trailer must be recorded in full including details of the goods.