Days of the week are basic words that preschoolers need to learn. Since they are not yet in school, there will definitely be children who are quick to learn the days of week, but there will also be difficulties because they cannot read or write. To overcome this, parents usually will make days of the week printable to make it easier for them to learn.
This is not only in form of paper with the names of the days in it, but it can also be designed in such a way to make it look more attractive. As a parent, you need to bring out your creative ideas in making days of the week form. However, it does not depart from its main purpose, which is to make it easier for children to learn the days of the week.
What Age Do You Teach the Days of the Week?
The right time to teach your children the days of the week is when they are 3 to 4 years old. In those years, child psychology has begun to be able to learn and understand the day’s names. It is important to know that every child has a different grasp and understanding. However, you can gradually teach them word by word.
Why Is It Important To Teach Days Of The Week?
Days of the week are basic things that must be learned by children, especially those who will soon enter school. By knowing, learning, and understanding the days of the week, children will be able to create and manage their own time and schedule.
How Do You Teach Days Names?
If your kids can’t read yet, maybe teaching days of the week printable will be a bit more complicated because they need to memorize it. Therefore you can do the following:
- Teach them through a game.
- Use songs to help your child memorize more easily.
- Give stimulus questions, such as yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
- Use simpler words to make it easier for children to understand.
Blank Days of the Week
Blank days of the week templates are often used to help children remember the names of the days they have learned. You may use several blank sheets for each week with different designs then ask your children to fill them out every day, so they can memorize the names faster.
Cowboy Days of the Week
You can elaborate cartoon characters into the days of the week design as decoration. Using cute cartoon characters in this form design will be very liked by children. In addition, they are expected to be more enthusiastic about studying the day’s names. For boys, just use masculine characters like cowboy, robot, Spiderman, and others.
Days of the Week Printable
You can make the days of the week printable in the form of daily routine. Children will find it easier to understand and learn the names of days if they are incorporated into the daily activities, such as making the bed every morning, brushing their teeth before bed, or going on a picnic with the family on weekends. By using this design, it is hoped your little one can be more cooperative and relaxed to learn the day’s names.
Days of the Week Template
If you are not a creative person, but still want to make interesting days of the week printable for your little one, just use a ready-made template. You can find lots of templates for free. By using this template, you don’t have to bother making an attractive design because you only need to download and use it immediately on your kids.
Example Days of the Week
There are lots of interesting examples of days of the week printable that you can use as inspiration. First is days of the week poster. In using this poster, you can hang it on the wall, and it will be seen by your children at any time. By seeing and reading it often, they will begin to memorize it little by little.
Second is days of the week flashcard. Well, flashcard form is more often used in schools. However, parents can also use it at home, so children can remember it again. Moreover, there is also days of the week wheel. This form comes in a very interesting shape because it resembles a wheel that can be rotated. Kids can use it as a game too, so they don’t get bored easily.
Flower Days of the Week
If boys like cartoon character designs like cowboys, you can use flowers or other pretty things for girls. In addition, apply colors that are striking yet still attractive. By using a beautiful and attractive design, the templates will attract their attention to read it.
Free Days of the Week Template
Most templates available on the internet are free of charge, as long as you use them for personal use. If you use the templates for public purposes, you usually have to include credit or even pay for them. Therefore, you have to be smart to choose a template according to your needs.
Kids Days of the Week Template
When you are looking for days of the week templates for kids, most of them will be about activities. This is because during childhood, especially preschool, they still like to do activities. Therefore, elaborating the names of days into a simple activity is the best thing to make it easier for your little ones to learn new things.
Printable Days of the Week
Days of the week printable is highly recommended for preschoolers who are still not fluent in reading or writing. Besides using the help of printable days of the week, you also have to guide and help your children to understand the word in question.
Simple Days of the Week
The simplest days of the week printable are to use the poster. You just need to enter the names of days using cute colors and designs, and then print it out. You can also display it in your child’s room.