Sample Literature Review Outline Template for Proper Writing Construction

Your project or dissertation must have a proper literature review. It is the section that explains the theory, reference and quote that you can use to analyze the issue. In general, you use them as comparison and justification. The literature review has two main parts. It is just the theory and article to support your framework or analytical thin. On the other side, you use the review as a reference for background and justification. For creating proper writing in this section, you must have the sample literature review outline.

Sample Literature Review Outline Basic Ideas

The outline consists of items that you must complete. Each of them is the main idea for one subheading. For example, your topic is about student achievement, and the literature review contains everything related to this one. You can start with the definition and put the extra reference. They mostly come from the book or at least the reliable source. The articles are just for supports, and you must find the source.

With the outline, you will know the contents that should be in this part. You have a solid and strong foundation about the topic itself. After that, the writing becomes easy with additional content that you can put effectively. Therefore, the sample literature review outline is like a guideline for writing.

Sample Literature Review Outline Main Layout

You will know this outline after checking the following list. In general, you only use the literature review as the source of analysis and interpretation. Researchers can create a method and framework that will be tested. However, they use the literature review as a reference.

  1. General theory

If your topic is about education, this part contains the definition and theory related to it. You can start with the theory that has a close relationship with the hypothesis and research question. Keep the general one as close as possible with the next level.

  1. Framework

You need to choose the variables and formulate the framework based on the theory that you already have. This part can have several names, but it mainly focusses on harnessing previous theories you use as a reference. The core of the research is in this part.

  1. Reference from articles

The book is the best source, but the article will give the latest information. You choose the most suitable references from international publications and articles. They are useful to support your theory and hypothesis.

  1. Review and update

After following the sample literature review outline, it is time to look back and check it from the beginning. Make sure the contents are suitable for what you want to explore in this research.

Sample Literature Review Outline and Templates

The templates for this kind of outline have several designs and layouts. You can have the simplest one that’s compatible with the basic essay. The high school students and undergraduates use them for assignments. On the other hand, you will have a complex outline for graduate and postgraduate levels.

Sample Literature Review Outline Benefits

The sample literature review outline has some benefits. It gives the direction where the references must be focused on. A solid understanding is key if you make a research plan to obtain the fund and grant. Therefore, you just follow the outline, and everything will be in the proper order.   

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