10+ Printable Bubble Map Template

Bubble Map Template for a Better Presentation

When you want to make a better presentation, using the bubble map can be a good idea to try. Well, this matter will provide clearer visualization of the arranged materials and the illustrated objects. That is why knowing about the bubble map template is needed.

As its name, the main matter of this presentation strategy is the bubble. In the bubble map, the bubble will be connected through some lines –it shows the correlation of the materials. It is like a mind map, which is popular as a way to provide a simple and clear presentation.

What is Bubble Map?

Well, what does the bubble map mean? In simple, it can be said that a bubble map is a strategy to describe the idea or concept visually using an organized format. The main idea will be written in the central bubble –a bubble with the biggest size, and then others will be written on the branches.

Each bubble will be connected by the lines. The lines show the relationship between the bubbles –of course, about the materials too. By the correlation, the writer will be easier to organize the materials and make an easy-to-understand data presentation.

When You Use the Bubble Map?

As we have said before, a bubble map can be used to describe things and materials visually with better detail. The bubble map can be applied in several conditions and it will be effective to help you.

The bubble map can be the best solution in several conditions, as:

  • When things are too complex and too difficult to understand. The bubble map will organize each element, so it will be easier to understand
  • The bubble map can be used to illustrate the central concept of the story or novel
  • When an individual wants to make a detailed description of a thing in science
  • The bubble map can be used to describe kinds of concepts, especially to help the teacher in the learning process

What Are the Benefits of Bubble Map?

Of course, there are some benefits of the bubble map that can be the reasons why it is effective to be applied. The first benefit of the bubble map is this strategy could define all things visually and it will be easier to understand by the readers.

Besides, the bubble map is very useful to display the association between things. For example, you could explain the structure of the story completely and organized using this bubble map.

On another hand, the bubble map is also helpful to learn, analyze, and retain information efficiently. That is why many teachers use the bubble map as a tool to explain the materials.

Using Bubble Map Template

When you think that it is difficult to make the bubble map to start your presentation, using the template can be the solution. Well, the template of the bubble map will ease you to make it.

By using the template, all you need to do is only personalizing the data inside it. Here, we have several samples of the bubble map template that you may get for free.

Printable Bubble Map Template Sample

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