Thesis Outline Template

The Best Academic Thesis Outline Template for Free

The thesis is a long academic document based on the writer’s original research. It is submitted as part of the requirement to complete and accomplish a master’s or bachelor’s degree to present the result of the findings of an author. There is a chance that your master is the longest piece you have ever written, thus it is understandable to feel intimidated to start. Try to use a thesis outline template to help you begin the long writing process.

Thesis Outline Template for Research

A well-made thesis is one that able to present an arguable point, in which others could disagree reasonably. The basis or foundation of your thesis research must be strong and proactive enough. If you want to write a good thesis, then you have to provide it in a way that can be answered by simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. A thesis cannot be considered as opinion, fact, or topic. It is a technique to present a question to describe a statement of a certain issue, which can be answered only after providing sets of evidence and explanations.

Thesis Outline Template Contents

A typical thesis outline template consists of four key parts. The length may vary between each chapter. Here is the explanation of the parts:

  1. Introduction

The purpose of the introduction part is, as the name implies, to introduce the research. Here you should provide an overview and the goals of your research, present the research limitation. This first part usually only occupies 3 to 5 pages of the whole document.

  1. Background

The purpose of the background is to set the position of your research in the broad of the context of the prior researches about a similar topic. It should offer insight into what issue currently takes place and how the research is going to be conducted in a particular area. Do include the literature review in this section. You may also serve brief history coverage about the topic and the area, existed theory and practices, and the results of previous studies that help you define the issue.

  1. Methodology and analysis

This section will contain the work that you conduct throughout the research. The methodology part explains how you design and develop your research to test the hypothesis, while data and analysis contain the result of it.

  1. Synthesis

This part also consists of two parts, which are the discussion and conclusion. In the discussion part, you have to examine the work you presented that may lead to a new theory or model. In the conclusion part, you should respond to the result of the discussion in light of the purpose you’ve stated in the Introduction section.

Simple Thesis Outline Template

Using the thesis outline template as a tool to build a rough document will make the process easier for you. You’d be able to expand your idea from the bare minimum resource. The thesis can grow from organizing your thoughts into the method of writing and editing.

Free Thesis Outline Template to Download

Download the thesis outline template for free to assist your conducted research. These templates contain complete parts of a thesis such as cover page, abstract, table of contents, chapters, index, bibliography, and so on.  

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