10+ Best Printable Timeline Template Based on Your Need

Printable timeline template is a paper with timeline format that you can print for free. The timeline paper contains boxes with lines that indicate the activities in order. This pattern has many types, depending on what content you enter. Moreover, the timeline template can be used as a schedule to notify you of the activities to be carried out.

In appearance, the timeline templates usually don’t display the exact time. You will estimate and prepare your own time to carry out activities according to the timeline. This form summarizes all your activities, both what you have done and those you will do.

What Is the Example of Timeline?

For your information, a timeline contains a list of events according to the time when these happen. An example is the historical timeline.

What Must A Timeline Include?

A timeline should include several events and their time. For a personal daily timeline, you only need to include your activities.

What Is A Timeline Chart?

The timeline chart allows you to write down the events over a certain period of time.

Blank Timeline Black

A blank timeline template provides a sheet for you to fill in the activities you will do. When you feel bored, you can change the color of this paper to black. Sometimes, changing the color of timeline template can increase the spirit to be consistent in doing something.

blank timeline black

blank timeline black


You might be able to practice it to see if it will have any significant effect. You can edit the printable timeline template by giving the paper color you want.

History Timeline Template

A timeline will summarize the sequence of activities that have occurred. You can fill in your own or someone else’s past activities. It is usually used to learn about history. You can encapsulate certain historical sequences into a printable template.

History Timeline Template

History Timeline Template


As a result, you will easily understand and remember historical stories coherently. In a historical timeline, it is usually given the time information in form of years. Year’s description will explain the historical story in a certain period of time.

Printable Blank Timeline

When you do something based on the timeline template you created, you will get a summary of your activities after completing the template. You can use a summary of timeline to evaluate the work. You can also improve your performance for the next job.

Printable Blank Timeline


This has a positive impact if it is done continuously. This timeline template provides a platform to be used in terms of time and energy efficiency. You will try to work in a clear sequence with maximum results.

Printable Daily Timeline

A timeline doesn’t keep track of time. Printable timeline templates usually record activities that will be carried out within a certain period of time. For example, in a week, you have to do some activities in the weekly timeline.

Printable Daily Timeline

Printable Daily Timeline


You will feel compelled to do the work as soon as possible before time runs out (a week). This is the same as the daily timeline. When you create it, at the beginning of the day, you will plan some things to complete that day.

The content of daily timeline can be in form of homework, shopping, meeting with clients, or other things that have been planned in advance. At the end of the day, you will be able to see the results of your work. Moreover, the daily timeline usually contains a small plan of activities that you can do every day.

Printable Timeline Example

In fact, printable timeline template can be used by everyone. You can record the daily timeline or weekly timeline with this template. On a larger scale, a company may utilize a timeline template to plan a project ahead, usually over many years.

Printable Timeline Example

Printable Timeline Example


Ready-made template is the useful and simple thing. This arises based on the mindset of regular life. Some people who have a hard time being on time need a timeline template to discipline their activities.

Printable Timeline Template for Kids

This timeline template can be used for children as well. The things kids do are usually not a big thing. Printable timeline template for kids aims to build their mindset from an early age. Children will learn about doing things according to what they have planned.

Printable Timeline Template for Kids

Printable Timeline Template for Kids


When they complete the timeline template within a certain time, give them a reward. This will keep them happy and excited for the next activity. When using a timeline template for children within a certain time frame, you will get positive results in your child’s behavior.

Printable Timeline Template

When you need an activity planning paper, you will have to create printable timeline template. Timeline templates are available in a variety of formats. Just start planning activities for today, the week ahead, or a longer period of time. This paper monitors your activity. You just do the activities in the order you planned.

printable timeline template

printable timeline template


Simple Timeline Template

When you’re planning to start writing an activity plan, you should try a simple timeline template. The format on this paper is very simple, and it contains some activities, not many.

Simple Timeline Template

Simple Timeline Template


This timeline template is intended for short-term planning, with less detailed planning. You can use a simple format when you are just starting to use a printable timeline template.

Timeline and Description Template

When you are used to use timeline paper, you will try bigger things. You can start planning things over a long period of time. A big goal is one that requires a lot of preparation. Besides taking time, big goals will require other details. When writing any goals on a timeline paper, you need to provide details of what you need to do.

timeline and Discription template

timeline and Discription template


These details will encourage you to achieve your goals. Sometimes, you have to provide a description of things you include in the timeline template, so you do not forget the contents of your goal. This may be possible because your goal is in the long term.

Production Timeline Template

Another function of timeline is to record the production steps of product. The form of timeline is the steps about an activity. This is often used by the industry to determine the procedure for making a product.

timeline production template

timeline production template


The use of timeline templates in industry is a form of monitoring the work system. A printable timeline template will help increase the effectiveness of everyone’s work.

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