Comic Book Cover Example PSD Design

Funny Comic Book Cover to Attract Readers’ Interest

In improving clients’ numbers, a book cover must be well designed by customizing appropriate color, for instance, a comic book cover that should place an attractive cover to make children interested in reading. Besides, the cover represents the content of the comic book. This can influence clients’ numbers boosting towards the comic book. How should a comic artist put in book cover design to interest children’s reading?

Types of Comic Book Cover Design

  1. Educational comic

Educational comic contains learning material. However, it uses cartoons as the media to tell the subjects. The comic aims to absorb explained material. Therefore, comic book cover design towards this type of comic must implicate the purposes. The comic artist could put some pictures of books, pen, reading children, and others related to the studying process. Giving detailed information in the cover also becomes an effective way to show what type of ifs book content.

  1. Humor comic

Humor comic is a type of comic which provides a funny story. To amuse the readers is the main purpose of this comic. Picture, story, and dialogue on the comic can express the humor. Hence, this typical comic can use a funny picture for the cover. Furthermore, it may apply irregular fonts as well.

  1. Adventure comic

Adventure comic is used to tell the main character to achieve a goal. On the journey, the main character usually faces difficulties and antagonists who will prevent the main character from reaching a goal. The cover for this comic can use a cartoon picture of a person who does traveling. Moreover, another one is the picture of a boy who brings a camping starter pack and many others.

Comic Book Cover Design Guidelines

  1. Combining bright color for the background

To take the readers’ attention towards the comic book, the design should combine bright colors for the background. It can be put two or three colors to make it look rousing. However, you also need to consider the chosen color. It is better to apply a strong and soft color.

  1. Choosing a wonderful picture

A wonderful picture can influence readers’ interest. It can make an image towards the reader that the comic book will be able to entertain them. Moreover, the selected picture can be taken in the center to show the icon.

  1. Applying big fonts as the title of a cartoon book

The big font is going to highlight the comic book. Also, it will ease the readers to represent the content. Moreover, the cover with a big font on the title enhances the readers’ notice.

Comic Book Cover PSD Template Samples

Several template samples indicate each type of comic. The samples are purposed to ease the comic artist in taking the reference. Therefore, the comic book cover template attached can be re-edited to get the expected editing.

Comic Book Cover PSD Format

The format is available on PSD. There are several benefits of utilizing this format. One of them is you can change the result of editing. It keeps all the editing process, so you can replace the picture, words, and others to make it look original. Moreover, the comic book cover design is freely downloaded.  

Download :

File File size Downloads
Comic Book Cover Template Design 6 MB 365
Comic Book Cover Template Ideas 6 MB 399
Sample Comic Book Cover Templates 6 MB 369
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