Education Envelope Customizable PSD Template

Create Your Own PSD Education Envelope

What comes to mind when you hear the words ‘education envelope’? Well, it is not a certain amount of money you have to pay for school. It is a special envelope used by schools, universities, or colleges as formal correspondence. Is it still relevant to use it in this digital age? Yes, of course, it is. Schools, universities, colleges still need that envelope for some purposes. Let’s have one example. You have received a scholarship from your dream university, and the university sent you the letter of acceptance right to your address. Do you want to create your envelope? This article is the right answer.


Education Envelope Basic Elements

  1. Face

This is an area of the envelope where the name of the university or school, the logo, and the address is shown. Some envelopes may have a transparent part or usually called ‘window’ which allows the content inside to be seen.

  1. Back

This area is usually left blank, and the flaps are there to seal the envelope.


Education Envelope Styles

There are two basic styles of the envelope: pocket envelope and wallet envelope. Here is the explanation.

  1. Pocket Envelope

A pocket envelope style is an envelope with an opening on the short edge. This is sometimes referred to as an “open-end” style. Well, the envelopes can vary widely in style and size.

  1. Wallet Envelope

While pocket style is referred to as the opening on the short edge, wallet envelope refers to the style with an opening on the long edge. It is sometimes referred to as an “open side” style.

Although both styles may vary in sizes or colors, each has its advantages. To decide which is best for your needs is truly yours. Every school or college has its preference for the education envelope.


PSD Education Envelope Design Ideas

For your school or college entities, and education envelope is designed with your school logo to increase people’s awareness. There is more to envelopes than just a mere paper used to contain a document. Creating your design well is necessary to achieve your desired outcome. People use to say that the first impression decides the next step. You may refer to any PSD envelope designs for some examples. So, what are you waiting for? Just get the templates free from the website.


PSD Education Envelope Templates

As stated previously, the first impression is playing an important role. It raises people’s awareness of your prestigious school through your education envelope. Besides being free, the ready-to-use templates are editable and time-saving. Go get your preferred PSD templates, and feel free to customize them into a unique one. Use your imagination and take the available space to place your school’s name, logo, and address properly. Make sure to use engaging colors, sizes, and fonts. Let your school or college be heard by having your prestigious envelope. No need to think too much. Just grab your templates now. It is all about using the right tool at the right time and place.  

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File File size Downloads
Education Envelope Design Ideas 3 MB 445
Education Envelope Design PSD 1 MB 440
Education Envelope Design Template 3 MB 439
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