Family tree, which is also commonly referred as pedigree chart, is a diagram that mimics structure of tree to represent biological family relationships. This chart is known as genograms in medical and social work industries. People create it to various reasons, such as to discover family, academic assignment, or just for fun. Either way, these family tree forms printable templates can help to do so.
Majority of people are already familiar with several generations within their families, but a family history is a long structure that goes farther than that. You can even research about your ancestors with the resourceful help of several websites. Now, if you are have all the information needed on your hand and ready to create your own family tree, consider using the templates.
Where Can I Find Family Tree Forms?
In this page, you can get download printable templates to create your own family tree. They will make the work easier and quicker to complete. These forms are available to download for free, so you actually only need several clicks to obtain them.
Is There A Family Tree Template On Word?
Microsoft Word doesn’t have an instant family tree forms printable template, but it is possible to create one by using SmartArt graphics. Go to ‘Insert’ menu and ‘SmartArt’, then choose one hierarchy illustration template according to your preference. After that, edit the diagram as much as you need to.
Can I Create A Family Tree In Excel?
Yes, you can definitely use Microsoft Excel to create a family tree document. The process is quite similar to using Microsoft Word.
Simply go to ‘Insert’ menu at the top bar, choose ‘SmartArt’ and click on ‘Hierarchy’ graphic style. Edit with all the details and then edit the diagram’s style or color as you preferred it to be.
Chart Family Tree Template
Feel free to use these family tree forms printable templates as a way to visualize your family ancestry and history. The template is designed in neat and organized design to provide information that’s easily digestible by eyes.
The chart is called family tree because it imitates the structure of the normal tree. To help you to fill out the form, consider the roots where your ancestors’ names should be, and then the children’s name should be placed on the branches.
Family Tree Chart Template
The most basic family tree usually presents you, your parents, and your grandparents only. If necessary, you may also add the names of your siblings and your parents’ brothers and sisters.
On the other hand, a more complex pedigree chart typically comprises of several generations of the family, such as great-grandparents or great-great-grandparents. This requires you to use more extended form template so you are able to put their names there.
Regardless of the extent level that you’re planning to go for, you may use these free downloadable family tree forms printable templates. You only need to pick whichever type of template you want to create your own family members tree.
Family Tree Form with Photo
When it comes to create a family tree, there is no rigid rule of how it should be or look like. The chart can be as simple, complicated, or decorative as you prefer it to be. For example, photos may be added for each name to make the family tree more interesting.
Adding photo to your family tree will make it more meaningful as well. Other ideas you can incorporate to the document is interesting facts, received awards, or important title.
Family Tree Template Form
Using family tree forms printable templates is the easiest and most practical way to create one on your own. Download and use it to build your family structure on paper.
As a tip to help you create the structure, decide first which generation you want to begin with. You may start to with the oldest generation and then construct it downwards, or alternatively, begin from yourself and construct it backwards.
Four Generation Family Tree Landscape Chart
Four generation family consists of children, parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. Building your family tree on this length can provide information about your heritage link.
Use this free template of pedigree chart to document your genealogy. It is very suitable to utilize if you want to present the four generations in a single page.
Four Generation Family Tree Pedigree Chart
A family tree with information about four generations is a great way to show your family history. In addition, it is also helpful if you want to conduct research or simply keep track of your genealogy.
This specific family tree forms printable template offer enough space for four generations. It means, you can include your great-grandparents, your grandparents, your parents, and you yourself. All you need to do is just to download, and then print it out in order to obtain the form.
Six Generation Family Tree Partner Chart
Before you even begin to search for a family tree template and start jumping into the activity, it may be best to do some little planning. For an instance, you need to plan by asking yourself, how extensive you want to make the tree to be?
If you want to go quite far, then this six generation pedigree chart might be up your alley. It is enough to create an extensive family history. However, as it ought to be lengthy enough, it is best to keep the design and decoration to be basic and simple so other people can scan and digest the information within easily.
Three Generation Adoption Family Tree Chart
You may be familiar enough with the concept of family tree, that you can create one from scratch. Still, having a template is a good starting point to make the tasks easier for you.
This three generation is suitable for those of you who want to represent the adoptive side of the family. It is available in three generation structure that goes from you to your grandparents.
Three Generation Family Tree Landscape Chart
Need a bigger three generation family pedigree chart? Then consider using this landscape oriented format template, where you can fit everyone that needs to be included inside.
This family tree forms printable feature a simple yet appealing design. It is free to download, print, and use so you can make family tree creation as a bonding activity with your other family members.