Having a comprehensive set of pet health logs will help to keep track of your beloved pet’s healthcare. There are various health record templates to obtain. The printable vet papers below are comprised of not only animal’s medical record form, but also vaccination, emergency plan, medication forms, and many more.
All of the templates provided in this page are absolutely free. You can use them as personal records and bring them on your pet’s next visit to veterinary hospitals, pet grooming or sitting services, animal rescues and shelters, or animal welfare organizations.
What Is Required For A Pet Health Certificate?
To obtain an issued animal health certificate, you have to get your pet professionally examined by a vet. This health certificate is required if you want to bring them to travel, sometimes along with the acclimation certificate. Both of the documents can be issues only by vets who are federally accredited.
What Documents Are Required For A Pet To Travel?
Different states have different rules and regulations to allow pets entering their states. The most commonly required documentations are rabies vaccination, certificate of veterinary inspection, acclimation certificate.
How Much Does It Cost To Get A Pet Health Certificate?
The cost of getting animal health certificate will depend on the types of boosters or vaccines that your pet gets. It may range anywhere at $35 – $300, in general. Note that the cost will be less expensive if you less expensive if you go to animal shelter instead of vets.
Animal Surrender Form
Sometimes, no matter how much you love your pet, you have to surrender them away for greater good. To surrender an animal means that you can no longer care for them due to various reasons, such as behavioral or financial.
If you find yourself in this situation, use this free pet surrender form. After downloaded it, you have to fill it by the profile information of your pet.
Dog Boarding Form
Animal boarding facility, which is also known as animal resort, animal kennel, or animal hotel, is the place where pets can stay overnight. The boarding facility is commonly used when the pet owners travel and cannot bring their pet with them.
In order to use the service of dog boarding facility, you have to make appointment with the place first. You may use this free available dog boarding form to provide the important information regarding your dog, such as vaccinations or medical record.
Dog Health Record
Similar to human medical record, dog health record is a confidential document that contains history of the animal’s health. The record is usually provided by the vet, but you can also keep your personalized version of the document as the pet owner.
This animal health record is one of the free available printable vet papers. Keeping track of your pet’s health by yourself can be an addition to the effort of taking them regularly to the vet.
Dog Vaccination Chart
New pup owners might not be familiar with dog vaccination. If this is your case, then you might be benefitted from this free dog vaccination chart from printable vet papers that explains about which shots your pet needs and to keep track of them.
There is a variety of vaccinations required for puppies during their first year of life. The vaccines help to boost their immunity over their lifetime. For further information about animal vaccinations and to know which ones your pet would need, you need to consult with your vet.
Emergency Pet Plan
Emergency pet plan form is a document that enables you to list things that should be performed on your pets in case you cannot take care of them for the time being. For example, it is used when you have to stay in hospital and leave your pet under the care of other people.
This free template of emergency pet plan is suitable not only for dogs and cats, but also other animals. You can also note down your vet contact information within the printable vet papers along with other important information.
Pet Health Record
Pet health record is a document that should be kept confidential because it carries their health history. Some examples of the included information are the breed, age, status of vaccinations, and medical history of the pet.
This animal health record is amongst professionally designed printable vet papers. Using a template means you don’t have to create the document from scratch, so the process can be easier and quicker.
Pet Medication Chart
By using this medication chart template for animal, you’d be able to keep track and view the prescription history of your pet. It also helps to serve reminders when it is time to administer medication for your four-legged friends.
This chart allows monitoring the details regarding your pet medication easily. By keeping track of it, you’d be able to make more sound treatment decisions according to the needs of your pets.
Proof of Pet Vaccination
Animal vaccinations help to protect them from harmful and deadly diseases. Similar to human, there are also several different types of shots that can prevent them from catching preventable dangerous diseases.
This proof of pet vaccination template is one of the customizable and printable vet papers document. It assists you to keep track the data of your pet’s vaccination in a single form, along with the information about the schedule.
Veterinary Patient Sign In
Visiting veterinarian to get your pet’s health examined on regular basis is important. It’s the best way to make sure your pet is healthy and any disease will be detected early before they turn into more serious problem.
This template helps to record to veterinary visit. You can obtain it for free, print it out, and then use it according to you and your pet’s needs.
Veterinary Vital Signs Chart
During each veterinary visit, the vet will monitor the main vital signs of the pets first. The vital signs are including body temperature, respiratory rate, and pulse rate to detect possible medical issues.
Aside from performing the vital signs monitoring at the vet office, it’s totally possible to do it at home. Use this vital sign chart as the part of printable vet papers to conduct the examination by yourself.