Birthday Party Postcard Customizable PSD Template

Birthday Party Postcard with Attractive Designs

The postcard is a good way of ending the birthday party invitation. This is an old-fashioned method because you send the postcard via regular main service as similar to what people did some years ago. Today, most people choose to send the message via email or chat application, including a birthday party. On the other hand, you can make people recognize your event when sending them a birthday party postcard directly.

The postcard is a solid and thick paper that people use for writing a letter, but it can be seen publicly.  It does not need envelope since people usually only write simple things, such as greetings, thank you note, gratitude and appreciation, and something trivial. Of course, you must use a standard letter with an envelope for a private matter.

Birthday Party Postcard Ideas

A birthday party postcard uses the concept of the way people send a postcard to others. You may go on holiday and visit a new country. From there, you can send the postcard that contains the picture related to your destination. This is a common way of using postcards in the digital era. Replace the picture with party detail and some attractive background. After that, send it to the guests that you want to be in your party. Therefore, the postcard turns into an invitation card.

Birthday Party Postcard Style and Layout

The layout for the postcard has two options, which are portrait and landscape. You can choose portrait mode when the postcard is definitely for the invitation. It provides space for detail such as the time and place after the casual greeting. You may use landscape style or horizontal layout. The postcard is divided into two sections, and each is for specific content. The bigger one is mostly for party detail and the rest is for photo or anything similar.

Birthday Party Postcard PSD Design

The next section will explore the design you get from the birthday party postcard. Keep in mind this party is a casual event, which means you have tons of options regarding the design. You can start from the plain and simple theme to an attractive and complicated layout.

  1. Front and back design

When holding a postcard, you can see the front and back sides with a different layout. The front side contains information about the birthday invitation. In the regular postcard, you often see this area with pictures, patterns, or ornament. This part is the content of the postcard itself. The backside is where you put the name and address for the sender and recipient.

  1. Envelope

The main purpose of the postcard is you do not need an envelope for sending something that people know, but you feel comfortable about it. However, some postcards still have envelope as complimentary.

  1. Party detail

As usual, you must add the party detail, such as the place and date. Guests will know the details then they will come to your party directly.

Birthday Party Postcard Template PSD

You can use the PSD template for the birthday party postcard. With this template, creating a postcard is not an exhausting task at all. You can save your time because the design is already done and you just edit a few things. Moreover, the template is free that everyone can have it. You just get some of them and make an attractive postcard for a birthday party without much hassle.  

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