Blood glucose or blood sugar is a sugar substance found in your blood. Glucose is an important source of energy for the body produced by the foods you eat. Blood carries sugar to all body cells, and it is processed into a certain amount of energy. Therefore, a printable blood glucose chart is needed to find out the right amount of glucose for your body.
Blood sugar level that’s too high will cause a disease called diabetes. However, a lack of glucose is also not good for your body. To help you keep the blood sugar in line, you can do several things like doing medication, maintaining a regular activity schedule as well as the eating habits.
What Is The Normal Range for Blood Sugar?
In fact, the blood glucose levels can be said to be normal if these range from 70 to 99 mg/dL, or about 3.9 to 5.5 mmol/L. This is a normal number if you fast before taking the test. If it is above this number, it can be said you have prediabetes or even diabetes.
What Is A Bad Glucose Level?
A glucose level of 101 still cannot be said to be diabetes. Glucose levels that range from 100 to 125 mg/dL are said to be prediabetes. If it is higher than that, it is included as diabetes. If you have entered the prediabetes phase, you should start reducing or stopping eating foods that contain high sugar.
How Can I Check My Blood Sugar at Home without A Meter?
If you do not have a device to check blood sugar, you can check it using urine. Just insert a test strip into your urine. However, the drawback of this method is the resulting numbers may not be accurate. In addition, the test strip will work if you can hold the urine in the bladder for some time before it is finally expelled.
Blood Glucose Chart for Non Diabetics
A printable blood glucose chart is not only used for people who have a history of diabetes, but it can also be used for those who are still in the pre-diabetic or non-diabetic stage. From the blood sugar chart, you will get information about the number of blood sugar levels you have as well as the diagnosis. So, when you do a test, you will immediately know whether you have diabetes or not from the chart without having to go all the way to the doctor.
Blood Glucose Chart Free
You will find lots of examples of blood sugar charts as a reference when doing a self-test at home. You can even get it for free without paying a penny to find out your blood sugar levels. Just find these charts on the internet or through special applications which provide the blood sugar charts.
Blood Glucose Chart PDF
Before doing a test, it is better to prepare a blood sugar chart first. You can also use an online or printable blood glucose chart. There are many model and designs of chart formats, ranging from images, Excel, Word, or PDF. All of them can be downloaded and printed for free.
Blood Glucose Journal
After doing a blood sugar test, it is good if you record the test results regularly in a journal or notebook. In this case, some people use printable blood glucose chart as a guide. By recording the test results regularly, it will help you to determine what things your body needs, such as for food, activity, disease diagnosis, to the treatment you should undergo.
Blood Glucose Log
Generally, if you use a blood sugar meter, you will get the results and can save them. In addition, you can also use the application to save your blood sugar level result. However, another way besides smartphone to record your test is blood glucose log. Every time you go to a health clinic, you can take your notes to make it easier to monitor your blood sugar levels.
Blood Glucose Tracker Template
The tracker has the same function as a book or journal where you can write down the results every time you take a test. If you are confused about how to make a tracker, you can look for ready-made templates. There are many choices of designs and templates you can use as your tracker.
Blood Glucose Tracker
As alternative, you do not have to download and print a blood glucose tracker or printable blood glucose chart. If you have a smartphone, just download the tracker application. Now, many developers have created applications to record blood sugar results, so you can use them easily anywhere and anytime. The format and pattern is the same as printable tracker.
Monthly Blood Glucose Record
For the insulin users, monitoring blood sugar is one of the important things to do. This is one way that can help you to know and regulate your blood sugar to keep it stable. Recording it becomes even more important if you are a person who frequently does blood sugar tests, such as once a day. You can also use monthly records. In addition, your record will help the health workers to see your progress and make adjustments to your lifestyle.
Printable Blood Glucose Chart
If you already know the importance of knowing the sugar levels, you surely need printable blood glucose chart. By using this chart, you will find it easier to make notes in your journal or notebook. All blank blood sugar charts are similar, so you don’t need to be confused about which chart to use.
Printable Blood Glucose Template
From the charts to blood sugar log books, everything is available online. You don’t have to go all the way to the hospital or health care center to see a chart or write down your test result. You can do this independently at home by printing out the charts, and making your own notebooks. Using printable blood glucose chart is the easiest method to see your blood sugar levels at any time.