How to Personalize Name Tag Template to Make It Unique to Yourself
Would you like to make name tag? You are free to make it however you want. That being said, you should understand how it is supposed to be made. Depending on the needs, you might need to use different name tag template. After all, it’s ‘your’ name tag. Don’t make yours the same as the others.
It is best to personalize it yourself. There are many choices to choose one from. Let’s learn what to do to make name tag of your own. You might need to consider few things to make or choose the best design for the tag template.
#1 – The Business That You Run
People must have run different business from each other, right? Exchanging business cards may let you know that. That is why people are looking for business card template free PSD. For name tag however, the design does not need to look so formal. You can get it all personalized if you want it so.
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If you are running floral business for example, the template Photoshop you are making is best to go with floral pattern. If you are event organizer, you can get building picture for the card’s background too. Make your choice carefully.
#2 – The Wording of Your Name
Just because you are making name tag, you don’t simply put your name there and be done with that. After determining the template design, put your concern on the wording next. Look at PSD flyer template. You don’t put too much word there right? Just make sure that it is sufficient enough there.
The simplest wording of all would be “Hello, My Name is …” However, you may also add your job position below it. If you want, you can put the name of business you are doing as well. Keep them simple just like in PSD Photoshop.
#3 – The Font Size of the Words
Don’t take the font size lightly. You don’t get that much space in name tag. That’s why we can’t even put much word in. As seen in templates in Photoshop free download, the highlight of the tag should be your very own name. So, make the font for your name the biggest of other words in the template.
The greetings put above the name and the job position below it may be made in the same font size. That alone will make the wording design has aesthetic look to it. Surely, it won’t feel the same as you use the same size for all of them.
#4 – The Color Use for the Font
Of course, there is color scheme to concern about as well. If you have decided on what color to use for the background and pattern, you just need to pick the same color for the font size. Let’s say you get blue, yellow, and black from the pattern. Use blue for the smaller font and black for your name.

That’s the way you make the font design match the background. Your name tag template will look well designed for you to use then. It will match with what you do as well. Even if personalized, such name tag still holds formal sense.