How To Write An Internship Resignation Letter Properly?

Doing an internship while continuing your study is considered a good idea, it will make you be more independent and able to manage your time well. However, if the internship you take disrupts your study, it would be better for you to prioritize your education. Besides the poor time management, several reasons encourage you to quit an internship. The first step you can take before leaving your job is to write an internship resignation letter, so your employer can receive it well.

How To Resign From An Internship?

While an internship can be a great opportunity for your future career development, there are several reasons that make you want to quit your internship. Whatever the reason, you should quit your internship elegantly and professionally.

Talk to Your Employer

Meet your employer and share your plans for resigning. Hence, your employer will feel more valued because the way you are going to quit is polite. Also, say your apologies and gratitude sincerely.

Don’t Be Sudden

As the same with any resignation from several jobs, you also shouldn’t resign immediately. You may have a certain project that has not been completed, try to complete the project before resigning.

Pay attention to reasons for quitting the internship

If you want to quit your internship because of a problem with another employee regarding abuse or harassment, you can raise this to your supervisor. Perhaps, there will be certain solutions suggested by your employer.

How To Write A Simple Letter of Internship Resignation?

To write a simple but professional letter of resignation from your internship, make sure that you note several important aspects. Write the reasons for your resignation honestly and in accordance with the facts. Write your letter at least two weeks before the date you leave the job. Also, thank the employer for allowing you to do an internship at the company concerned. Use a short and professional tone.

Internship Resignation Letter Format

You can take a look at the following sample for your resignation letter.

Dear Mr. James,

I am writing this letter to inform you about the resignation of my internship at ABC Company. I am pleased to work here, I love my coworkers and the comfortable working atmosphere, but I feel more comfortable being a lecturer at a university, I feel that I had to take one of the jobs that I prioritized the most. Since my last day of the internship will be on December 22, 2020, this letter is my official two-week notification. I am very grateful and appreciate your patience so far.

I do apologize if my resignation causes inconvenience to some parties. I will also finish my last project before I officially resign. You can contact me at (333)-3333-333 or email me at if you have several questions.

I feel I have had an extraordinary experience in ABC Company, thank you for allowing me to join your company. I hope everyone will always be healthy and prosperous.



Hera Chopin


ABC Company

That’s all the brief explanation about the steps you can do before writing your internship resignation letter. Hope you can have a new concept for your format.



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