Cleaning Postcard in Photoshop Free Download

Cleaning Postcard to Boost the Cleaning Business Up

In promoting cleaning services, there are several ways that you can apply. One of them is using the cleaning postcard. It should be well-turned designed to grab the clients’ attention. The postcard hopefully can enhance clients’ trust to take the services. Well, you can utilize the guidelines below to get the expected postcard.

Cleaning Postcard Details and Contents

  1. The Business Slogan

In creating the cleaning postcard, you need to put the slogan on its cover. The slogan can influence the clients to take the services. Moreover, it also becomes a tool to persuade the clients, so you should use the persuasive utterances.

  1. The Cleaning Business Profile

Also, just write down the profile on the backside of the postcard. It indicates the character of your cleaning business. Also, the profile informs the excellent services of the business.

  1. Complete Address and Contact Person

To follow up on the clients, address, and contact person are particular things. The address is used to ease them to come to your office. Meanwhile, they need the contact person to get a fast response.

Instructions in Making Cleaning Postcard Design

  1. Making two sides for a postcard design

The business postcard usually consists of two sides. The one side contains the picture, business slogan, and contact person information. Then, another side provides the business profile, stamp, service, and postcard receiver’s information.

  1. Applying a similar background color for both sides

Since the postcard has two sides, you should apply a similar color background. The basic color will boost the simple impression of the postcard. Slipping the bright color for the background will ensure the formality.

  1. Customizing the combination of fonts

Also, you can apply several fonts to make the postcard look attractive. However, simple fonts are recommended to clarify the written information. The font combination also brings benefits for embellishing the postcard.

  1. Dragging the real picture of services

Dragging the real picture in the postcard is an effective way to improve clients’ interest in your services. The picture determines the clients’ beliefs because it plays as service proof. The picture is also usually seen firstly, so it should use a real picture to improve the good impression.

Samples of Cleaning Postcard PSD Template

There are several template samples for the postcard, including the cleaning postcard. This one is beneficial to send letters about the cleaning business. The form consists of the real picture, contact person, profile, and services placement. You can use this kind of template as a reference before making your postcard.

PSD Format of Cleaning Postcard

The postcard template is available in PSD format. It maintains all the editing process. As for the cleaning business, the format is worthy enough because you do not need to take more time to do designing. On the other hand, it results in a good quality picture. You can even change the downloaded template by adding the signs or words than change the picture or background color. Therefore, you will obtain the proper cleaning postcard based on your preference.  

Download :

File File size Downloads
Cleaning Postcard Design Ideas 5 MB 370
Cleaning Postcard Design PSD 3 MB 390
Cleaning Postcard Design Template 3 MB 458
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