Fashion Event Postcard Free Download PSD

Fashion Event Postcard for Promotions and Other Purposes

Fashion events always get attention. The fashion enthusiasts, models, designers, and other people always wait for the chances to join the event. In promoting the event, there are many ways to do, and one of them is to use a fashion event postcard. This can work as an invitation, announcement, and also promotion at the same time. This is considered effective since it is quite simple, yet people can get informed easily.


Purposes of Fashion Event Postcard

There are some purposes of the postcard of the fashion event. It is good to know some of these points, so people making the card can give more attention to creating the design:

  1. Make announcement and promotion

The first purpose of distributing the postcard is to deliver the information regarding the events. Then, it is to promote it, so more people can participate and make it more hilarious.

  1. Introducing new designs

On some occasions, the fashion event postcard can show a photo of the model and the new design. It is to introduce one of the outfits to show on the catwalk, and it is also a good way to attract attention.

  1. Introducing the designers and models

It is not only about the designs and outfits that will get attention during the event. Designers, models, and some brands will also become core points that make people interested to attend and participate in there.


Fashion Launch Postcard 

The fashion event postcard can be made for various purposes. Each of them will require different types of design, and each of the postcards will always show something unique and attractive. One of the common events to have is the fashion launch.

Commonly, brands will have a new product, and it should have a certain strategy to make it good in their release. One of them is to make the postcard. Regarding the design, commonly it is only to show some clue or theme, so the brand still does not show the picture of the product, so it can raise curiosity.


Charity Fashion Event Postcard

On some occasions, fashion events can also be conducted to have charity fundraising. This type of event is quite common to see, especially when there are some serious accidents or disasters that trigger the empathy of those who work in fashion and designs.

In terms of the design of a postcard for the charity event, it is made simpler than the common promotion or product launch, but it still makes people invited to contribute. The layout will provide necessary information regarding the event, even the ways of conducting the fund-raising.


Vintage Fashion Event Postcard

Every fashion event has a specific theme. The theme affects how the postcard designer in creating the design. One of the nice themes to find is vintage fashion. In certain moments, vintage is still quite popular, and it can be combined with other designs. 

For the vintage theme, the postcard must also show the same theme. The style can be brought in by choosing the color or details of decoration on the design. By paying attention to these points, it is possible to make a nice fashion event postcard.

Download :

File File size Downloads
Fashion Postcard Design PSD 4 MB 365
Fashion Postcard Design Template 2 MB 401
Fashion Postcard Template Example 7 MB 375
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