Golf Rack Card in Photoshop Free Download

Golf Rack Card to Enhance Clients in Joining the Facilities

The golf resort is an interesting place to spend spare time with friends and family. To promote the facilities, the golf resort needs a promotion tool. Well, a golf rack card is one of the great marketing strategies that’s done by the golf resort. By placing the printed rack card on the locations with significant foot traffic, it might be able to interest the viewer. What are the tips for a golf resort in informing the offered facilities for all people?

Golf Rack Card Attractive Information

In making the viewer’s interest in the content, it is better to put attractive information.

  1. Facilities explanation

The clients are used to attract to the facilities presented by a golf resort. To convince the clients toward the resort, the facilities should be explained. It will help clients to choose what they want.

  1. Discount payment

Besides the facilities, discount payment information also becomes an important part for viewers to join the golf offer. It is mostly followed by the services if using the discount payment.

  1. Golf resort introduction

The golf resort introduction is helpful as well. It explains about the golf situation and condition. Furthermore, it also informs the extensive golf course. Hence, the viewers will easily pay attention to this information.

Golf Rack Card Design Guidance

  1. Putting an original picture

An original picture of a person who is doing golf in golf rack card functions as the evidence for the viewers. With the original picture, people will be able to imagine the situation and condition of the golf resort.

  1. Applying simple font

The simple font is a must for this kind of rack card. Because of small size, just consider the type of font that will be applied to interpret the offered facilities. Use the big font for the name of a golf resort.

  1. Laying down the logo

The logo is purposed to indicate the credibility and formality of the business. Furthermore, it benefits to introduce the viewers that the golf resort has an identity. It used to be put on the top of the rack card.

  1. Arranging a collage design

In designing the rack card, the company has to arrange a collage design. It uses to ease the viewers who are going to find out the facilities or discounts that’ applicable. Besides, this layout is utilized to smarten the design, thus it will look simple.

Golf Rack Card PSD Template Sample

In making the rack card, you can rely on the PSD template samples. It has designed the placement of golf resort introduction, logo, facilities information, discount payment, and contact person. The PSD template can be adopted as the golf resort’s reference in making the informative golf rack card.

Golf Rack Card PSD Format

The template is available in PSD format and aims to ease you to freely edit the selected part of the editing process. Since it keeps all the editing process, the detail can be replaced and added by using additional editing application. With this template, surely you will get the expected golf rack card. Furthermore, the template can be downloaded without any payments.  

Download :

File File size Downloads
Golf Rack Card Templates Design 5 MB 372
Golf Rack Card Templates Ideas 2 MB 370
Sample Golf Rack Card Templates 2 MB 361
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