High School ID Card Free Download PSD

The Simple High School ID Card and Its Purposes

ID card aims to introduce ourselves toward people around. Besides, it also purposes to show formality. It used to be worn by high school students. For the student of high school, the ID card becomes the important thing. A simple high school ID card is a great way to introduce a student to all members of the school. How should students put in their ID cards to inform other students about the identity?

Simple High School ID Card Design Guidelines

  1. Putting the needed information

In making a simple high school ID card, a student, you do not need to explain more about your information. It used to contain the name, identity number, address, and status. Since the ID card is a symbol of identity, you only need to insert the main information.

  1. Dragging the photo

To convince your reality, you must drag the photo on the ID card. The photo taken should be original. You may not use the filter, editing application, and additional art through the personal photo.

  1. Setting the size

There are two kinds of size forms of students’ ID card, vertical and horizontal. Both are having a different design. For the vertical ones, the photo usually is inserted on the right or left side of the ID card. The personal information is laid down in the photo’s opposition.

  1. Combining bright soft color

To emphasize the photo and information, it will be better if you use bright and soft colors. Besides, this color combination also makes the ID card looks simple and beautiful. The color touch is the element in highlighting students’ ID cards.

Important Elements on Simple High School ID Card

To introduce the information, there are several elements conducted in the high school ID card.

  1. Student’s name

The first important thing is inserting the name. You will not be able to imagine how awkward your friends to great if they did not know the name of each other.

  1. Student’s identity number

Identity number purposes differ from a student to another student when they have a similar name. Also, the identity number makes sure that you are officially registered as a certain high school student.

  1. Student’s photo

The personal photo shows the credibility of the students’ position. It helps you to match whether a student belongs to a particular school’s member or not.

  1. School’s logo

In providing evidence towards people around, you should also put the institute’s logo. The logo aims to influence other people’s perspective of the student. Meanwhile, the logo will help you to point out the school’s identity.

  1. Contact Person

Also, you can put an e-mail address and phone number on the ID card. It aims to ease your friends to call when asking about homework or helping to do something.

Simple High School ID Card PSD Template Samples

There are some varieties of simple high school ID card template samples. There are recommended templates suitable for senior high school and junior high school students. Therefore, it can be a reference for the ID card design result.

Simple High School ID Card PSD Format

Also, the ID card design is presented in the PSD format. To make the ID card different from others, students can erase and add the selected elements contained in ID card design. Moreover, the background is also able to be replaced because the PSD format saves all the editing process. Therefore, students will get their simple high school ID card.  

Download :

File File size Downloads
High School ID Card Design Ideas 8 MB 399
High School ID Card Design PSD 10 MB 369
High School ID Card Design Template 5 MB 450
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