Law Firm Postcard Template Free PSD

Law Firm Postcard as A Good Way to Promote Its Service Business

A law firm postcard is thin cardboard that has two panels: front and back. It is uniquely designed, attractive, and contains important messages. The postcard is especially useful for the promotion tool of a law firm. Everything related to the postcard will be explained in more detail.

Law Firm Postcard Importance

The law firm is a legal entity which contains several experienced advocates who carry out the task of solving the legal problems of clients. The clients can be personal, a company, an organization, or an institution. For the sake of launching its services in finding clients, collaboration is required, and it can be done by sending the postcards to clients.

To reach new clients, of course, it can be through colleagues or existing partners. It can also be done through promotion. If someone is interested and contacts, the firm will respond by sending a law firm postcard. The design must be different from a letter because of its shape and flexible use. Even so, a postcard is designed by involving attractive color patterns, the selection of fonts, and attractive images according to the needs and objectives of the postcard.

Law Firm Postcard Processing

In the processing, initial postcard design can be chosen first to make it easier to design. The following are the processing.

  • Determining the purpose of sending a postcard.
  • Planning the design needed.
  • Looking for a design sample information as a reference for its core design. This is usually in the form of a template that can be customized.
  • Downloading online, instantly, and for free. A PSD template can be found on the website of the template provider for free.
  • Utilizing Photoshop or Illustrator to design the template with various features available in the software.
  • Printing it using U-Print to get a good result.

Law Firm Postcard PSD Template

As with the processing, a postcard uses a PSD template as the main design. The template will contain well-organized layers which can also help and edit the objects in Photoshop. The PSD law firm postcard template is a good way to produce postcard print that attracts the clients’ attention.

Creative Law Firm Postcard PSD Template Design

The existence of the PSD template as a design reference will make it easier for the customization process. This is certainly done in a photo editing programming. Although you are not an expert in graphic design or photo editing, at least you understand the basics of Photoshop. The following can be the details of the law firm postcard template.

  • The template size is 5 × 7 inches plus Bleed with orientation style in horizontal or landscape.
  • The template is designed back and forth and uses thick paper or thin cardboard. It can be a brief card (BC) or an art carton.
  • The layouts in the template can be fully customized. These aim to ease in adding or changing fonts, colors, images, and other features, according to the needs of the postcard.
  • There are smart objects to change the images, in which the selection of images is adjusted by the law firm.
  • It has high-quality images with a resolution of 300 dpi, and it uses CMYK composition color space.

Download :

File File size Downloads
Law Firm PostCard Design Ideas 2 MB 371
Law Firm PostCard Design PSD 9 MB 435
Law Firm PostCard Design Template 5 MB 474
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