The Implementation Of CEO Recommendation Letter

A recommendation letter has various types of purposes. And by this chance, we have provided a CEO recommendation letter that you can use to write a letter toward someone certainly deserved a higher position or the best position that person should be. Writing a recommendation letter always on purpose, it can be a gift to someone, the way you respect someone’s hustle, or only to make the person deserve what he/she worth.

Some Tips Before Writing A CEO Recommendation Letter

The Important Parts Of CEO Recommendation Letter

There are some parts that you should include in the letter, those are:

  • Identity (either the sender or the person recommended).
  • Date/Time.
  • Address of the letter’s receiver.
  • Body (the main content).

An Example Of CEO Recommendation Letter

This letter is written by the CEO of a company that will recommend a vice president of a particular company. He believes that the vice president would be suited for the CEO position, considering her work experience, achievement, and any other positive thing toward her company. This letter written in a simple form but remains conveys the point of this letter’s purpose.

Dear Chairman Rick,

Along with this letter, I would like to inform you on behalf of Jennifer Dale who I believe would make a prominent CEO for BC Sports Equipment Company. I have worked with Jennifer for the past 15 years, and she has been instrumental in helping me build my AD Fitness Company I set since zero. We started out with one location then, now have fifteen locations in four cities and three countries. Jennifer was always with me every step of the way offering advice and ensuring that we have the latest sports equipment for our members. She is a very accessible executive who has always made my job easier.

When I first met Jennifer she was in the sales part, and I had watched her steadily climb the corporate ladder to her current position of executive vice president. She has worked successfully in nearly all management positions in the company, and this wide variety of experience makes her a proper candidate for the top executive spot.

I had witnessed Jennifer’s talent on many occasions. She is a visionary in her industry, yet closer to her junior staff. I once watched her listen to the ideas of her junior and use their experiences to formulate successful strategies that have helped BC Sports Equipment Company to achieve a top and maintain the position in the industry.

It is my honor to recommend Jennifer Dale for the position of CEO of BC Sports Equipment Company. Her high level of expertise, self-confidence, and leadership skills makes her the best person for the job in my thoughts. I would happy to discuss Jennifer’s qualifications further, and available to meet with the Board if necessary. Feel free to contact me at (123)-123-1234 or


Hide B. Gray
AD Fitness Company


At last, we hope this article may help you to write your own CEO recommendation letter. Feel free to edit the example if necessary. Good luck!


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