Travel Magazine Free PSD Template

Making Your First Travel Magazine Easily

Everyone will love it if they are paid to do something they love. The same goes for people who love traveling. As traveling is getting more exposure these days, it will be no wonder if many people are booking their planes to have leisure time and engage with nature or locals in their destination place. You might also think to make a travel magazine as a choice to share and earn money at the same time. Here are some points to know before making your magazine.


Preparing Your Travel Magazine

  1. Assembling your team

Even though you are a top-notch travel writer, handling magazines alone will leave many works. The works do not only include writing the articles but also doing the layout, marketing, and handling finance. Doing this all by yourself is hard, and this will not be a good option if you want the magazine to be successful.

  1. Choosing your niche

Niche makes the magazine to be more specific. For example, you can focus on solo-traveling, backpacking, family traveling, or adventurous traveling. Focus on your niche first, and then grow your readers later. Sticking with one area of traveling may also help you to produce great content as well.

  1. Building the contents plan

Next, you move on to the talk about which customers you will target as readers. You will also need to know what kind of writing style and layout that fits the majority of the target readers.

  1. Learn about your competitor

Getting to know your rivals means there is an effort to offer better content, and it is a good spirit to keep. Understand how they get the readers by analyzing writing style, content quality, layout, and marketing strategies. This way, you can also learn how to develop a travel magazine.


Layouting Your Travel Magazine

Below are several aspects that can help to design the magazine.

  1. Layout

Travel magazines usually put simplicity as a priority. This means using two or three columns for the text without any complicated layout is common.

  1. Pictures

These play a big role in your magazine business. Use a high-quality picture in your magazine. It will be better to use your photos.

  1. Fonts

Using a proper font style will help the readers to read easily. No need to use curly, decorative fonts since what matters most is the text readability.

  1. Colors

Usually, the colors used depend on the attached pictures. If the pictures show blue in the majority, the headline can also be blue-hued to match the photo.


Using PSD Template for Travel Magazine

Using a template for your magazine will never turn down your professionalism. Using the PSD template can be done if you want to do a quick-layout your magazine. After that, do some research about the right digital publishing platforms, and find out what differs them from one another. Then, choose which one is the best for your magazine.


Travel Magazine PSD Format

PSD format is one of the prominent template formats used by people. PSD offers easy customization which can be done in a short time. Using this kind of template can help your travel magazine to look great as well.  

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File File size Downloads
PSD Travel Magazine Template 3 MB 339
Sample Travel Magazine Templates 11 MB 343
Travel Magazine Template Sample 3 MB 355
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