8+ Acting Resume

How to Create an Easy Acting Resume with the Template?

If you are interested in walking your way to stage acting or film acting, you won’t need only to persevere, but also to practice hard. Getting into acting classes may be beneficial too. Then, if you’ve already got those in hand, creating acting resume is a mandatory thing to showcase your skills and experiences.

With an acting resume, not only you can retrace back your acting experiences, but you can also let your employer know that you’re the right candidate for a certain role. Find out some beneficial information in this article below.

Guidelines for Acting Resume PDF Download

Sample of Acting Resume

First time making an acting resume? It’s no wonder that you may face confusion if it’s your first time making your first resume. Take a look at this resume. You may make yours similar to this one.

This person is trying to showcase her previous acting gigs for theatres. Also included are her acquired skills and complementary informal and formal education.

Jane Rotterdam

(882) 2227-3845


New Ore City, Lost Angelica, U.S.A

Hair: Brown                              

Weight: 147 lbs

Eyes: Brown                             

Height: 5’6” ft.                          

Vocal: Mezzo-soprano


Ten Commandments (2020)                   Andrine                         TFT Theatre, James Taylor

Late Commencers (2020)                       Ms. Latte                       Indiana Theatre, Courtney Sanders

The Flower Withers (2019)                     Friends of Meghan        UI City Theatre, Joe Performer

Film/TV Appearances

The Reason Why I Ugly                         Antoinette                     112 Studio

101 Girls on the Street: the Series          The 76th girl                   Mundane Day Productions


Nord Star Life Insurance

Healthy Pure Milk

2017 New Ore City Carnival advertisement

Special Skills

Singing, archery, ballet, foreign languages: Dutch, Indonesian

Education and Training

BA, Performance Theatre, Lost Angelica Public University

Voice, Bertha James

Ballet, Yena Choi


James Taylor                Director of Ten Commandments (882-1213-3849)

Adam Sanders              Professor in Performance Theatre Dept. Lost Angelica Public University


Bertha James                Voice instructor (882-1128-4566)

How to Write Your Acting Resume

Similar to the aforementioned acting resume, try to note down your working experiences (acting-related). But what if you are inexperienced in the field at all? Well, at least try to excel by providing lists of training related to acting. You can start to make the resume with this procedure below.

  1. Start making from scratch or simply obtain an acting resume template to ease your resume-making processes.
  2. Either using a template or making it from scratch, include your identity: full name, phone number, email address, or anything that may help interested employer to reach you.
  3. Input your physical characteristics like height and weight, eye and hair colors.
  4. Then, put your acting experience (if any) in a reversed chronological order.
  5. Education and training experiences should come next to include.
  6. Showcase your unique skills that may be beneficial for acting.
  7. If you have awards or any acting-related achievements, better to include it as well.

People Also Ask

Can an acting resume be 2 pages?

It’s advised that you should limit it into one page only. Don’t use more than one page since it may not be effective to persuade.

What should never go on an acting resume?

  • Never write your physical address and instead, put your email address instead.
  • Never include your Social Security Number on it
  • Lastly, you should never write your background roles – despite it being your only acting experience.

How do I make an acting resume with no experience?

As mentioned earlier, if you have no prior experiences in acting, you can just stick with education and training. If you even have no prior training in related field, now it’s time to get more serious. Invest your time and money on taking acting classes or such.

How do you list acting credits on a resume?

Mention what show you are in then if it’s a theatrical show, mention the location of the theatre. It should be arranged in a reverse-chronological order, and make sure you have done all of it and not the one that you’re currently applying for.

Acting Resume Template

Before downloading your acting resume, it would be best if you know what kind of template that you need to do. For example, if you are planning to apply for a theater role, you can get the relevant acting resume.

No Experience Acting Resume PDF Download

Child Acting Resume Template

With diverse roles available these days, child acting resume may become considerably in need. If you have a child and he/she is interested in acting, this can be your chance to showcase your kid’s capability. Moreover, if your little one has already taken some sort of gigs and trainings.

Free Beginners Acting Resume Word

If you’re still a beginner, don’t be shy to apply for your first gig. Acting takes your courage to do, and starting it off with applying – even for a minor role – can help you to walk ways. Coming in Word format, it takes less time and is easier than making acting resume from scratch.

Film Acting Resume in MS Word Free Download

Professional Acting Resume Free

Being already a professional in the field doesn’t mean you don’t need to make your acting resume. Showcase your experiences simply by using an acting resume. Download it for free, and you’ll get nothing but a professional resume as well.

Template for Theatre Acting Resume

Writing resume for theatrical acting will be easier if you get a template. What comes next is to fill it out with relevant information. Mention your prior experiences and unique skills, and let’s just wait for the production team to call and include you for the gig.

Proffesional Acting Resume PDF Free Downlaod

Template for Film Acting Resume

Besides for theatrical acting, you can also use a resume for applying for acting chance in such big screen. Find out this type of template for free and be ready to play the job!

No Experience Acting Resume PDF

Don’t be afraid if you have no prior experiences. As mentioned earlier, you may only stick to your skills, education, and training that you’ve already completed.

Theatre Acting Resume Free PDF Template

PDF Student Acting Resume

Starting young in the field while still being a student? Go for it! It’s best to try applying for the gig and see whether you have the talent for walking under the spotlight or not.

PDF Acting Resume Guidelines

Some acting resume may come with guidelines about how to fill out the blanks. Such guideline may help the applicants to prepare for their resume.

Begginers Acting Resume Word Free Download

So, are you ready to take the chance? Create your acting resume by simply taking a template, customize it, and get ready to launch yourself.

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Child Acting Resume PDF Free Downlaod

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