10+ Basic Resume Templates

Basic Resume Templates Guide and Tips to Make Your Resume Outstanding

Talking about resume, you may wonder whether there are any basic resume templates that many people can use. The answer is: yes, there is!

Be it for your first professional job or another dream that you plan to land on, the template is usable for many purposes. To work with it is pretty easy: get one, customize it, and directly send it to your employer.

beautiful resume format in word

Sample Basic Resume Template

Below you will see what it takes to make a basic resume. From this sample below, you can add or deduct any content that you may think not needed in order to make it a good resume.

Adam John Levine

199 Oak Street, New York, NY | 829-1920-2920 | ajlevine@sample.com


Employment Experiences

Social Media Strategist                                                              2018-2020

  • La Spencer Group Inc., New York
  • Working together with copywriters to write copy for advertisement, online contents
  • To concept promotional media contents


Bachelor degree

Communication Science, University of AAA, NY                          2013-2017; GPA 3.50/4.00


Skills and Hobbies

Language                                     English (native), German (B1 level), Japanese (N4-level)

License                                        Certified copywriter (Association of Copywriter USA)

Hobbies                                       Writing, music, photography, learning languages

Computational skills                     Proficient in SEO writing and MS Office, beginner level in

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe After Effect

(Portfolio available)


  • Adnan M. Khan

Marketing Manager of La Spencer Group Inc. (available on a separate document)

  • Julia Jenner

HR Manager of La Spencer Group Inc. (available on separate document)


Tips to Write a Good Resume

To write a good resume, you can do these things below:

  1. Don’t overstuff your resume. Only list down what relates well to the job.
  2. No need ‘Objective’ statement
  3. Make it to be reversed-chronological
  4. One page is enough
  5. ‘Serve’ your best qualification on top.

People Also Ask

How do I write a simple resume?

Write only the essential aspects and emphasize to showcase your best quality. Don’t forget to include your valid identity information. Using basic resume templates may also help.

What should a beginner resume include?

It needs the same things with any kind of resume. Personal information, working experiences, skills, and educational background are some to showcase.

What skills should I list on my resume?

It can be anything that may support you for the job. Let’s say you plan to apply for illustration position, then covering Adobe Illustrator will relate.

How do you start off a resume?

The simple way is to use basic resume templates. Starting there, you can customize it as per you need.

Types of Basic Resume Templates

Listed below are some examples of basic resume templates that you can use according to your need.

Basic Resume Template Free

Going basic means you can go with some freebies. Find out some free basic resume templates to download, and use it to show yourself.

Free Basic Resume Template for Fresher

If you’re a fresher, chances you haven’t known yet how to make a resume. Don’t worry as basic resume templates will come your way to guide you. What’s good: you can even get it for free.

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Simple Resume Template for Free

Resume doesn’t need to look fancy and colorful. Sometimes employers like it to be a more professional-looking. One trick that goes well with that is downloading basic resume templates.

Free General-use Resume Template

Need a versatile resume template, enabling you to make it into various resumes? Wonder no more. With generic resume template, you can make the template as your multipurpose chess-pawn.


Traditional Elegant Resume Template

Many employers value the simplicity and elegance of someone’s resume. It seems like a simple resume emits this ‘mystic elegance’ we’ve never known. Interested in trying it?

Creative Resume Template

Are you a creative person? To apply for your dream job in your desired field, it is great to use creative resume template to kick-start your professional career journey.


Free Resume Template for Fresh Graduates

Even if you know already what it takes to create a resume, sometimes you need a helping hand to make one. Why don’t you take a resume template to save time for the making process?

Basic Format Free Resume Template

What’s the basic format for resume? If you’re not aware still with it, it is time to get some assistance from basic format resume template.

cv template outline

Word Format Basic Resume Template

Who says making resume have to use image-editor apps only? Even with only word-processor application, you can make it to be an outstanding one. What else to complain?

Basic Resume Template to Download

With basic resume templates, you will know what minimum aspects that it takes to create a satisfactory resume. No need to call your brother living miles apart, a template is your savior!

58 traditional elegance

Basic Resume Template in Other Format

Want that basic-looking, yet not-so-basic? Well, you can try to get this template under this category. With some colors to involve, kiss a good bye to such dull, colorless resume.

Basic Resume Template for App Developer

Are you an app developer looking for a new job? Showcase your skill using the right resume for app developer. Hassle-less templates to deal with, even while closing your eyes coming your way – and you can find it here.

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Senior HR Professional Basic Resume Template

Even if you’re already a professional in HR field, you’ll need a resume template still. Who knows that you will be that busy that you got no spare seconds to make your resume? Put aside those thoughts and download the template. Simple life made easy.

Etsy Basic Resume Template

Known as a marketplace website that helps not only crafters to market their products, basic resume templates can also be found through this marketplace as well. Need a quick-click to one of their templates? Simply get one here.

basic cv a4

Basic Resume/CV Template

Now that you know how easy it is to make your resume using basic resume templates, all you need to do is to download one and try it yourself. Don’t forget to check the resume before submitting it in and also include a cover letter.

With various options to search from, have you found your basic resume templates that you need? If you have found it, now it’s time to input your data. Submit it afterwards and hope you’ll hear good news soon!

176 button down basic resume template for job seekers

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